EP.36|Our Welcome Home...wasn't so "Welcomey"

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EP.36|Our Welcome Home...wasn’t so “Welcomey

“Do you have to go? Are we sure you four can’t come to Arcana with us?” CJ asked. “Nah, we’re going to Alistair’s school now. We’ll be okay. The school is just 8 blocks away. Plus, you can visit us on wednesdays, these are our visiting days. You and Lizzie can have all the “fun” you want.” Lori winked as C.A blushed. “U-Um…” C.A stammered. “And you and Bruce and can all the “fun” you want too.” Lizzie nudged her playfully.

“How did you know?” Lori asked. “Come on, you think Evie could keep a secret for long? She was in the room next to yours.” Carlos smirked.

“Wait. Dose ni-san know?” Lori asked. “You’re dating my sister?!” Alistair yelled. “Now he does.” Ben chuckled.

“Bruce! Get your snake-loving-hair over here! How could you not tell me that your dating my sister!?” Alistair yelled chasing Bruce around the parking lot.

“Lori! Your brother is trying to kill me! Help!” Bruce yelled. “Ni-san! Don't kill my boyfriend!” Lori whined chasing after them.

“I got this.” Maddie smirked. “Oh Alistair! Can you help me with the bags?” Maddie asked sweetly as Alistair looked her way.

“Oh course Maddie!” Alistair rushed over to Maddie. “That’s gonna be useful.” Bruce laughed as the group got on the bus.

“Ready to go? You’re majesty's?” Jasper asked laughing. “Haha very funny.” Mal rolled her eyes.

“Hey, when you guys becoming Queen and King. you’re not gonna forget about us, right?” Evie asked. “Course not.” Mal smiled.


“Swan Academy!” The drive announced as Alistair, Maddie, Bruce, Lori, and Lizzie got off the bus. “Do you have to go?” C.A pouted as she held Lizzie’s hands, the rest going inside.

“Come on, you need to go to Arcana. You know you can visit every wednesday.” Lizzie stated as C.A puffed up her cheeks.

“Stop it. You know I can't resist you like that.” Lizzie then kissed C.A forehead. “One more kiss?” C.A muttered as Lizzie nodded and kissed C.A passionately.

C.A then jumped up and wrapped her legs around Lizzie as they started french kissing. “Wow. Well, you sis is really gonna miss Lizzie huh?” Maddie smirked as the four watched from the window of their room.

“Stop watching my sister make out. It’s weird.” Alistair groaned. “Oh, like your little sis isn't in her room doing the same exact thing with your best friend?” Maddie cooed.

“No their not. Lori would do that. And how would you know?” Alistair asked. “Cause, this is probably what their doing.” Maddie smirked as she pinned Alistair to the couch, sitting on top of him. “You’re just using this as an excuse to make out with me, aren’t you?” Alistair smirked.

“Can you blame me? We haven’t had a single moment together since last week! I want a taste of you before we get busy with school.” Maddie then tore off his shirt.

“Well? If that’s the case.” Alistair pulled down Maddie. “You shouldn’t be the only one wearing a shirt.” Alistair then took off Maddie’s shirt. “Hey! Can’t you two wait like 30 minutes before jumping each other's bones?” Lori smirked.

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