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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

"I can't believe you left me for 2 months." Julian pulled me into a hug. I missed being in his arms. Today he picked me and Nevaeh up from the airport.

We just came back from cheer camp. It was fun but i missed being back in Freeridge. I was definitely homesick.

"I missed you." I smile at Julian as he gripped my ass and pulled me closer to him.

"I missed you more baby." He smirked while he kissed me slowly. Kissing him was something i've craved for a long time.

"Unlock the car pendejo." Nevaeh growled. Did i ever mention that Nevaeh didn't like Julian either?

"I definitely did not miss you Nevaeh." Julian smiled at my best friend as they glared at each other.

I kissed Julian's cheek before he unlocked the car and we all piled inside. 

"Hey Ariella did you finally make the list of people who made the team?" Nevaeh asked from the back seat.

"Yup." I grabbed the piece of paper from my bag.

"Please tell me Myla didnt make the team." Nevaeh leaned over the center console to look at the list.

"Of course she didn't." I said making her sigh in relief. Neither of us liked her. How could you like a judgy bitch?

"Why? I heard Myla is really good at cheer." Julian said which made us look at him funny.

"Yeah shes good but she is a major bitch. Plus she didnt even show up to tryouts." I explained and he just nodded.

"Hey can we go to Cesar's house? Antonio is there and i miss my baby." Nevaeh whined while holding her phone to her chest which displayed a photo of him. So extra.

I looked at Julian to see what he'd say. He just nodded his head slowly. "Yeah sure." Julian quickly looked at me.

"Yay i can finally see Cesar." I squealed with excitement.

"I forgot your friends with that kid." Julian laughed.

I nodded my head and bit the inside of my mouth. "Babe how do you forget when I'm with him all the time?" I laughed as he shrugged. I could sense the bitterness in his voice every time a boy is brought up, especially Cesar.

Julian won't admit it. But he hates when I go to Cesar's house. He thinks i fuck around with the Santos which i think is rude as fuck. He doesnt say anything about it cause he knows I'll go off, but i can sense the lack of trust.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now