91- the movies

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Ariella's pov

A few days later

"Hey boo." Terry smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You look cute today." He said as he looked at what i was wearing.

"Thank you." I smiled back as we walked over to Andy, Cesar and Derek who were waiting for us by the entrance of the movie theater.

We walked into the theater and bought our tickets to watch some random movie.

"So who did you leave the club with?" Derek questioned while we were in line to get food.

"Oh yeah! You hella ditched us. Who were you hooking up with?" Andy playfully elbowed me.

"The owner." I mumbled as i made myself a slushie.

"What? You fucked the owner?" Cesar's jaw dropped.

"Thats not even the best part." Terry was laughing as he started eating from the big bucket of popcorn. "Tell him who he was!" he added.

The guys all turned to look at me.

"He just happens to work with Oscar."

Their jaws dropped.

I swear the life was sucked out of Cesar.

"You fucked Rio?" He questioned.


"That explains why Oscar's been in a pissy mood." he shook his head.

"Has he?"

"Yeah." he shook his head as we went to pay for our stuff.

"Yeah he told me not to sleep with him." i added.

"And you did it anyways." Andy questioned.

"Yeah because i wanted to. He fucked Leslie without considering my feelings. So fuck Oscar's feelings."

And I meant it.


this is so short i am so sorry

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now