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Ariella's pov

"Terry." We turned to hear Robyn laughing.

He was tickling her on the couch.

What the fuck.

Seeing Terry was something nobody was used to.

Ughhh im so happy he finally has a girlfriend.

He is such a good person.

I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Oscar who had just sat down.

"Sparky is really handsome." Robyn smiled. "How long have you guys had him?"

"A couple months." Oscar smiled at her.

Dont smile too hard.

Ariella stop before you start being a bitch.

Im really trying not to be.

Its just... not working.

Oscar is acting different around her.

I can fuckin sense it.

Then Hector came in.

I got up and walked to the kitchen.

"I got the lucky charms you wanted." He grinned as he held up the box.

"Thank you so much." I hug him. "I've been craving this." I opened the box.

"Is that the girl Terry is talking to?" Hector's eyes grew wide as he peeked over to the living room.

"Yes i know shes pretty." I laugh as i just ate the cereal straight from the box.

"She's hella pretty. Like damn." He laughed.

"Yeah. I get it.." i roll my eyes as i lean on the counter.

"Someone seems annoyed. Whats going on?" He chuckled as he sat down at the table.

"Oscar is like all in love with her and shit." I huff.

"Jealous much?" He smirked.

"Okay. And what if i am?" I frown as i now lost my appetite.

Thinking of the worst really made me not hungry anymore.

"Ariella dont be sad." He laughed.

"Im not sad. I dont give a fuck." I lie.

Now Oscar walked into the kitchen.

"Sup homie." Oscar daps him up before walking over to me.

He wrapped his arms around me.

I dont know why it pissed me off but it did.

"Stop touching me." I glare at him as i push his arms off of me and walk out go the front lawn.

I need some fresh air.

Oscar's pov

"Mood swings." I roll my eyes as i sat down at the table.

"Or you're just a dumbass." Hector chuckled.

"Excuse me?"

"Ariella aint happy with you."

"What the fuck. Why? I didnt do anything."

"She thinks your in love with Terry's girl." Hector whispered to me.

Ah fuck.

"In love? The fuck. Im not in live with her. I just think shes pretty." I laughed.

"Well she think you like her sooo you better figure your shit out." Hector shook his head all disappointed and shit.

I let out a sigh.

"Well it was really fucked up to check her out in front of Ariella." I rubbed my head.

"Dumbass." Hector shook his head at me.

"Its not even that serious. Shes being dramatic."

"Take in her feelings homie. Your making her feel like she aint shit because you are checking out other girls. Thats how she feels. And if you cant understand that or try too then i dont know what to tell you." He sighed.

Then we quickly reacted once we heard gunshots.

I ducked at first then remembered Ariella walked outside.

"Ariella!" I shouted as i ran out the front door.


ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now