97- white lies

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Graduation Day
Ariella's pov

Today was the day.

I was going to graduate.

I couldn't believe it.

"Hermanita." Letty started tearing up. Oh god i just did my makeup SHE BETTER STOP!

I finished getting dressed and i was ready to get my diploma and leave.

"I cant believe you are going to graduate." She said as we both looked in the full length mirror.

"Mom and dad are proud." She stated and i could see she was getting emotional. Fuck now im getting emotional. All the big moments in my life feel less important now that they aren't here for them.

"Okay lets stop." I said and she nodded as we made it downstairs.

Terry, Andy, Cesar, and Derek were downstairs waiting.

"Oooo you look like you're getting married." Terry teased as i playfully rolled my eyes.

Then i noticed Dom and Hector trying not to cry. Sensitive ass babies. Im just graduating, they act like im getting shipped off to the military.

I gave them hugs and laughed.

"Can we go now?" I asked and everyone agreed.

After the whole ceremony i took pictures with everyone. "We did it guys. Nobody died!" Terry cheered as our group reunited.

The guys side glanced at me when he said it.

"Fuck you guys." I said as we all laughed at the dark joke.

Thats when I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I turned to face Oscar.

"These are for you." Oscar came up behind me with a bouquet of flowers.

"Aw thank you baby." I smiled as i pecked his lips.

Then Cesar took our picture.

"Im so proud of you mamas." Oscar mumbled as he kissed me.

Then Hector came up to me. "You did it!" He cheered as he picked me up and hugged me so tight.

I just laughed and hugged him back.

"Thanks Hector." I smiled.

"So we are having a get together at our house." Dom tells Oscar and i.

"Awwww for me?!" Terry fake cried as he looked at Dom and Letty.

"Yes for you." Dom rolled his eyes.

"We'll be there but first Ariella and i are going to do something real quick." Oscar told the group before we parted ways. Letty and Dom and the rest of the Santos took off. Meanwhile Derek, Andy, Cesar and Terry were still here.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now