43- forever damaged

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Ariella's povFriday

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Ariella's pov

After Brian, Mia, and Jack took off i fell asleep in my bed for the first time in many weeks. It felt weird not having him there next to me, but at the same time i was given space to think.

I just wasn't in the mood to be around Oscar. I know i couldnt avoid him forever. I love him, but i just need my space.

Today was Friday but we had no school today so i decided to take my lazy ass to a local open cheer gym with Nevaeh and a few other girls on the team. It was fun and for once in my life I wasn't worrying about the bullshit happening.

It also feels refreshing to not check my phone. The only time i used it was this morning when i texted the group chat to confirm we were still going.

Oscar's pov

"Is she ignoring me now?" I huffed as i slammed my phone onto the kitchen counter.

I have called Ariella 10 times and they have all went straight to voicemail.

"What the fuck is wrong with her?" I yelled at Cesar as he ate his cereal.

"Dont get mad at me. Its not my fault you fucked up." He said continuing to eat his bowl of froot loops or fruit loops. (STUPID ASS MANDELA EFFECTS I DONT EVEN KNOW)

"What the fuck did i do wrong?" I snapped as Nicole got out of the guest bedroom.

"Morning." She smiled at us.

Cesar then pointed at Nicole. "Thats what you did that was wrong." He said and i sighed and shook my head at him.

"Excuse me?" Nicole raised a brow as she glared at Cesar.

"Yeah your bitch ass had to get pregnant all of a sudden." Cesar said in a accusatory tone.

"Oh and thats my fault?" Nicole scoffed.

"Yeah because you come barging in here claiming you're pregnant so you can pressure him to getting back with you. Little does Oscar know. Its probably not even his." Cesar went off. I was taken aback. Usually it took a lot for Cesar to blow up like that. I know he cant stand Nicole, but i thought things would change since shes carrying my child.

"Fuck you. Of course he's the dad." Nicole shouted as she pushed Cesar off the kitchen stool.

"Hey!" I said getting in her face. "If you are gonna live in the Diaz house you're gonna respect the Diaz men. Never fucking touch my brother again. Hes 15!" I shouted in her face making her flinch.

"Well then tell him not to be disrespecting me. He's calling me a hoe." She yelled.

"Well who knows? You did cheat on me after all." I shrugged making her gasped.

"Oscar!" She yelled.

"Don't worry im not accusing you yet. But we are definitely gonna get a dna test." I said and she shook her head all pissed off.

"Okay fine. Once you realize its yours i want you to tell Ariella that if she had a problem with me then she can tell me to my face." She said and now i was pissed off.

"You better leave Ariella out of this. She doesnt have time to be a hateful bitch like you." I demand. "And if i hear that you did anything to harm my ruca you are out of here! Got that?" I made her flinch. Then i grabbed my keys and stormed out the house.

I was pissed off at the world. I got in my car and let out a heavy sigh.

"You good Spooky?" Hector got in the car and handed me a joint.

I took it and took a big hit from it. I exhaled the smoke and handed it back.

"Ariella is mad at me because Nicole is staying with me. Cesar is gonna kill Nicole because he cant stand her, and Nicole has been trying to get back with me since she's moved in."

"What is she tryna do?" He asked.

I just wanted to run myself over. I regretted everything that happened last night.

I sighed loudly as i rolled up the windows.

"Oh fuck....Spooky. This can't be good." Hector let out a deep breathe and shook his head in disappointment.

"Oh its not." I frowned.

"What happened homie?" He asked.

I laid my head back against the seat.

"Nicole and i were just moving her stuff into the guest bedroom." I sighed. I fucked up badly and there was no way of recovering.

"Then once we finished we were just chillin in my room. I was drinking a little and we ended up fucking." I said and Hector seemed pissed. More than pissed actually, he seemed like he wanted to kill. I dont blame him.

He thought of Ariella as a little sister and i cheated on her. I fucked it all up and i dont deserve her love.

"Damn you did fuck up man." He sighed.

"I know. I dont know how im gonna tell Ariella." I said as i started to tear up. I didn't even care about crying in front of one of the homies because i was scared.

"You aint gonna tell her." Hector shook his head.

"What?" I furrowed my brows all confused.

"Homie. What you did was so fucking stupid i wanna kill you im not gonna lie." He said in frustration. "But if you tell Ariella the truth i know its gonna hit so much harder than when Julian cheated. She trusted you puto!" He yelled smacking my chest.

"I know." I said nodding in agreement still tearing up. "I fucked up."

"Oh you did more than fuck up. I know you're my homie and i will always be by your side. But im really disappointed, Ariella is my girl, and i promised her parents i'd protect her." He sighed as i saw his eyes water up.

I couldnt even be mad that Hector threatened to kill me. I should get killed for being the biggest dumbass.

I just disrespected the woman who saw the good in me. That was the dumbest thing i could ever do.

I will never forgive myself for this.



Im mad at Oscar.

Ariella doesnt need his stupid ass.

(2022 me reading this: bitch you wrote it^)

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