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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

Its been a week since Nicole has moved in.

Im not gonna lie, shit has never been the same.

I feel like Oscar is being so distant and Nicole is getting way too damn comfortable here.

Also I've noticed Hector wont even look me in the eyes when we talk. The energy has been off lately.

Shit has been so hard for me and i feel like i have nobody to go to.

One of Myla's friends made a disgusting comment. So disgusting that if i had gun on me when she said it id probably use it on her.

Also Myla has been putting letters in my locker about shit that didnt need to be talked about. Stuff that i will never talk about.

I just didnt want to be at school anymore. So i called Oscar to come get me.

"Hey babe." I smiled as i got in the car.

He just nodded his head and looked at the road.

"Whats wrong?" I asked as i put my seatbelt on.

"You know how Nicole and i did a paternity test?" He sighed as i nodded my head slowly.

"Well the results came back." He said placing the envelope in my lap.

I opened it and scanned through the paper. This was the moment that determined all of our futures. This could either make or break our relationship.

All my hope was out in for this baby to not be Oscar's, but it wasnt enough.

"The baby is yours." I said in pain.

"Yup." He said and just like that. Like he already accepted the fact that this was his life.

My day got worse.

"Does Nicole know that you got the results?" I asked.

"Yeah. I told her the baby was mine." He sighed again, rubbing his forehead.

I nodded my head.

"Well congrats Oscar. You are having a baby." I said as i quickly wiped my tears and looked through my window so he couldnt see me cry. It was hard to not wish negatively. Look at me, wishing this baby wasnt his. What will this baby think when its grown up? That i didnt want it to exist. I was being selfish because my kids wouldn't be his. This baby will be his first, Nicole will be his first. It was so frustrating.

He drove home in silence. I called him to pick me up, so that i could vent to him about the negative thoughts corrupting my mind. The same thoughts that corrupted me when my parents died.

Oscar parked the car in front of my house. As if there was no more emotion to give to me, he avoided all eye contact. I felt like a ghost.

"Look Ariella. I love you. I really fucking do, but you are 18 and have a whole life ahead of you. Im gonna be a father. I cant hold you back." I was searching deeper and deeper for any emotion in his voice. I was empty handed.

"Oscar what are you saying?" Tears brimmed the edge of my eyes. I knew exactly what he was saying but i needed to know for sure. Maybe im overthinking it.

"No!" I cried. "You cant break up with me." I frowned as i got out the car and slammed the door shut. I gave no fucks if his precious car got hurt. I was mixed with emotions. He quickly got out and came up to me.

"Ariella. I know me having this baby is hurting your feelings and the baby isnt even here yet. And when he or she is born im gonna be there for them most of the time. I dont want you to get hurt that Nicole and i have a family. What am i supposed to do?" He teared up too. Finally some fucking emotion.

"I guess nothing." I shrugged as i continued to cry. What did i want him to do?

Maybe make things work? But i cant say that because he should want to do that for himself.

"That baby has to be my number one priority right now." He frowned at me.

"Yeah you're right. Sorry for being selfish. Sorry for thinking that maybe i could have your time." I said as he sighed. "Its just not fair, Oscar. Why now? Why is she all of sudden here with your baby? Now that we're finally happy?"

I sounded like a selfish person for being angry, but i was and i couldnt help that.

"I wish you the best, Oscar. Now you go be there for your babymama." I say as i just run into my house locking the door.

This felt fake. I wanted it to be fake.

I started to cry even more.

I felt like i was losing everything all at once.

I laid my back against the front door and continued to sob.

"Ariella?" I heard Dom shout as he quickly ran inside and ran to me very concerned.

I just continued to cry.

Dom was so confused but he quickly pulled me in for a hug. "You're gonna be okay." He said in a soft voice trying to calm me down.

He rubbed my back as i continued to cry.

"Oscar broke up with me." I said and Dom's face dropped.

He just kissed the top of my head and hugged me even tighter.

"You are gonna be okay Ariella." for the first time i felt that safety and reassurance that i've wanted all my life.


ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now