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Oscar's pov

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Oscar's pov

"You are in trouble." Terry says as all three of them snickered.

"Shut up. Im Spooky." I said proudly as i sat on the couch. "I dont care if im in trouble."

"Go apologize." Nova says.

"For what? I did nothing." I shrug.

"Just go check on her. Its been 20 minutes." Hector sighed.

I nodded and got up.

"Bet money hes gonna apologize." Terry whispered the the two.

I rolled my eyes  and walked into the room shutting the door behind me.

Ariella just finished doing her makeup.

"Baby im sorry." I pouted as i hugged her tight. "I didnt mean to start a fight."

She just sighed and hugged me back. "Im sorry for not considering how you felt about it." She says as she rubbed the back of my head.

"Can we please just forget about this?" She whispered and i nodded.

I held her closer. If that was possible. Then i kissed her which transferred my favorite lip gloss onto my lips. I MEAN HER FAVORITE LIP GLOSS.

"So whats the plan for today?" She ask as she let go of me and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Well i gotta do some santo shit real quick." I answer as i change my shirt.

"With who?" She says as she stands up.

"Nova needs help. Ya know chola things." I say.

Ariella's pov

cHoLA t!NgZ

"Remind me again since when was Nova a santo?" I raise my brow.

"She always has been. She's just lowkey about it." Oscar shrugs.

"Thats weird. She never talks about her being a chola to me." I say as he nods.

"What if i became a santo?" I snickered.

"Hell no thats not happening." He shook his head.

"Why not? You callin me a pussy? Say i wont." I joke.

"I dont want you in that life. Cause i know your sister will kick my ass along with Dom. And lets not forget about Hobbs." Oscar laughed.

"But im already in that life just by being with you. Technically." I say with a smile.

"Well if we are being technical." Oscar licked his lips as he put his hands in the back pockets of my jeans. "I kept you out of my santo business. Its gonna stay that way." He says kissing my forehead.

"Yeah nobody would take me seriously as a chola." I laugh as i kiss Oscar on the lips.

"Okay baby i better go. But i'll be back later for Dom's party."

"Okay baby. Both of you better be safe."

"Of course." He kissed me softly.

"Hi baby." Letty said in a voice i've never heard before.

She playfully poked Malina.

"She is going to be joining us on our adventure to the store." I laugh as i put Malina in her car seat.

Then i got in my car. "Lets go." I say as Letty gets in.

Then i started driving to the store to get some red cups and bottles of beer.

"Do we need to get food or anything?" I ask as letty shook her head.

"Nah. The little freshman Ruby Martinez down the street offered to set up for the party." She says as she threw in more beer to the point where i couldnt push the cart anymore.

I just laughed. Of course he would.

"So how are you and spooky man?" Letty asks as she starts pushing the cart for me.

"We are good. We had a small fight about flowers though." I laugh as i start carrying Malina in my arms since she was getting all fussy. 

"Flowers? Yall fought about flowers?" She adjusted her red tinted glasses. "Yeah i pray for you guys in the future."

"Why?" I laugh.

"Why you arguing about flowers?" She laughs.

"Well.... remember Derek?" I ask as we walk around Target.

"Oh yeah hes back." Letty smiles.

"Thanks for the heads up Leticia." I glare
at her as she just laughed.

"So he gave you flowers?" She looked at me.

"Yup. And i didnt wanna be a bitch and just reject them so i took them and Oscar wanted to fuck them up." I roll my eyes.

"Well what the fuck are you doing accepting flowers from your ex anyways crackhead?" She playfully threw a bag of chips at my head.

"Letty!" I whine as i held Malina.

"No but seriously. Why?" She laughed.

"I wasnt thinking at the time." I sigh.

"Yeah." She agreed.

"Fuck off." I glare at her.


A lil sister moment

More F&F on the way!

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now