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Ariella's pov

"Oscar we are going to find her." I pouted as Oscar cried in my arms.

Hes been like this for 2 hours now. Everyone was out searching for her.

It was getting really dark and i knew we wouldn't be able to find her before the night ended.

"That's my baby." He sobbed as he shook his head. "I have to keep looking."

"Okay. Let me come with you." I stand up with Aiden in my arms.

"No its okay baby. You stay here with Aiden. I'll go find her."

"Why would i do that when i can just come with you?" I raise my brow at him as he shook his head.

"Just please stay. Just in case they return her."

"Oscar! What kidnapper would return them?" I look at him confused.

"Just stay here and take care of Aiden. Hobbs and Fuentes (monica fuentes) are here to pick me up. They got a whole team coming in to help find her."

"Okay fine." I give in as i watch him open the door.

"I love you." He kissed me and Aiden. Then we watched as he hopped in the jeep.

Oscar's pov

"Did you see the car?" Monica turned to look at me.

"I heard it. But i was so wrapped up in my conversation with Ariella that i didnt pay attention to who was driving by.

"How do you know she didnt just wander off?" She questioned.

I look over to Hobbs as he was focused on driving to god knows where.

"Because she was playing with chalk on the sidewalk. There was a big footprint around where she was playing and it didnt match any of our shoes."

"Okay first stop." Hobbs parked at a near by corner store.

"Lets see if they have footage of anything."

"From the security cameras?" I question as they both responded with yeah.


I know exactly what to write. I AM JUST TO FUCKING LAZY TO TYPE IT ALL OUT. And for that i sincerely apologize.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now