66- strangers

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Cesar's pov

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Cesar's pov

School was so boring now without Ariella around. I missed hearing her laugh when I'd make a joke. I even missed when she complained about Oscar. Just hanging out with her was fun. Now its like a void.

I missed her, but shes gone.

Its been several months now and i'm finally going to see her tomorrow.

But for now i'm just stuck at this lame fucking school.

I havent talked to Andy since he got a girlfriend. He's been so distant from the world lately. I guess thats what happens when you get a girlfriend. You forget your friends and base your life around your significant others. Im sure he'll be back when they break up. Thats how it always works.

His girlfriend changed him for the worse. He wont even look at me when we pass by the halls. Just as if we were strangers. Which we are.

That used to be my friend. We were always together but things are different now.

This was another reason i was mad at Ariella before the incident. She was doing the same thing as Andy. We were talking less. Hanging out less. She was always with Oscar. Which was never a problem for me because I know how much they love each other. But before there was Oscar and Ariella there was Ariella and Cesar. I wasnt in love with her but I loved her. I loved her like a sister. She was one of the few people in this place that befriended me because of me and not because of who my brother was. I wasn't Spooky's little brother, to her I was Cesar. That meant everything to me.

That day I found Ariella on the kitchen floor i was shocked. I completely forgot i was even mad.

Even though we werent talking i knew she was my whole world. Without her life would be extremely difficult.

I was going over there to try and mend things. It broke my heart because i was being selfish and not thinking about what she could be going through.

Why do the people who deserve the most happiness go through all the pain?

"Hey um Christian? Yeah can you like move? This is our table." I look up to see Andy and his snotty white girlfriend. She had a valley girl accent and it absolutely irritated me.

"Its Cesar." I corrected her. Where the fuck is Jamal, Ruby, and Monse?

"Well can you move?" She asked.

"No! Go find another table." I yelled as i gestured to all the empty tables.

"Hey dont yell at my girl like that!" Andy shouted beside her.

"Or what?" I said as i got up from my seat so i could get in his face.

He quickly shoved me and i shoved back.

Then i swung at him and all the anger i've been containing just unleashed on the one person I could blame for it all. Somehow we were now on the ground.

"How dare you just turn your back on me and Ariella like that!" I yelled as i got on top of him.

I kept throwing punches, i was so pissed. "She fucking needed you the most and where were you?" I shouted.

"She was there for you when you went through depression. She was there for you when your parents fought. She was there when you got kicked out. She even woke up in the middle of the night to drive hours away to go fix your fucking car! How dare you just leave her when she needed you the most!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I threw another punch before getting up.

"She cared about you and you didnt give a fuck." I argued as i grabbed my bag. There was no way I was staying here. I needed to leave this place.

"That doesnt excuse what she said about my girlfriend and I." He yelled as he wiped the blood from his nose and got up.

I looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?" He asked.

Now we were talking so only we could hear us. Especially since nosy ass people were around us.

"I hope you know that your girlfriend is one of the reasons Ariella tried to commit suicide." Is all i said before walking away.

I was angry, hurt and confused.

All i wanted was for things to go back to the way they were. I wanted things to be how they were before Oscar got out of prison.


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