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A couple days later

Ariella's pov

"Baby!" I shouted as i ran though the house to find Oscar.

"Im in the laundry room." He shouted as i ran to him.

"How much do you love me?" I smile as i hug him as he was folding Malina's clothes.

"A lot." He smiled. "Why what did you do?" He asked concerned.

"You are going to love me so much more than you already do because i signed us up to take a cooking class tonight!" I squeal as i jump up and down.

Oscar just looked at me and smiled. "Wait really?" He grinned as i nodded.

"Yes!" I clap my hands together.

"Babyyy." He smiled as he kissed me.

"Yes im the best i know." I grin at him.

"Oh my god baby you look so cute." I squeal as i took a picture of Oscar in the apron they provided for us.

He just blushed. "Thank you bebe." He grinned. There was a bunch of other couple here too but we looked like the youngest which was funny to me.

I tied my hair back and listened as the instructors told us what we were going to make.

We were making.... shit i forgot i was too busy looking at Oscar.

I just admired as my mans did his thing. YES BOO DO YO THANG.

"Stop biting your lip like that." Oscar nudged me. Then he got closer as he whispered "you gonna make me horny." In my ear before going back to making the food.

I just giggled as i decided to finally help him out.

20 minutes later.

"Are you having fun?" I ask Oscar as he just watched the food in the oven cook with the biggest smile on his face.

"Yes." He grinned.

The cooking instructors were complimenting Oscar on his skills the whole time.

It felt so good to watch Oscar be so focused. He would always talk about wanting to cook. It truly was something he wanted to do.

I wish i could give him the world.

But i had an idea.

Next day

"Hi baby." I say as Oscar pulled me in for a hug.

"Hi mamas." He said with a frown.

"Whats wrong mi amor?" I pout as i held his hands.

"I didnt get the job." Oscar sighed as we walked around the auto shop and into my office.

"Aw im sorry bebe." I say as i put my hair up.

"Its fine. Hows it going over here?" He questions as we watch the guys work on 3 cars.

"Busy." I sigh. "But i need to show you something. I found a bug in the shop and i need you to kill it." I say dragging him to the other side of the shop.

"Are you sure its not a fly?" He laughed.

This cute ass bald boy wont let go of the time i cried because i thought a fly was a flying spider.

"Look." I say as we walk into another room.

"Where is it?" He asks.

Then i just looked at him and smiled.

He stood there so confused oh my god i love him.

"Surprise!" I squeal.

"Surprise what?" He raises his brow.

I just laughed.

Soooo when i bought this building for my auto shop i used like half of it. But there is another half of the building that is connected but separate at the same time. (Im losing brain cells tryna explain this)  [BASICALLY WHAT MY DUMBASS IS TRYNA SAY IS THE BUILDING IS SOOOO MF BIG THAT THERE IS LIKE A BIG EMPTY SPACE THAT COULD BE A WHOLE ASS STORE AND ITS CONNECTED TO THE SHOP]

"Sooo..." i go on as i walked up to him. "You always tell me to do what i love. I love cars so i have my auto shop. But you have dreams too and i wanna see you winnin." I smile. "So thats why you are gonna have your very own restaurant here." I say and Oscar was still tryna comprehend what the fuck i was saying.

"Ariella stop playing."

"Im not playing with you." I look at him as he starts tearing up.

"Awww bebe dont cry." I start crying as he pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you so muchh." He wiped his tears.

Then the guys walked into the room.

"Ayeeee you told him!" Martín cheered and all the santos started dancing.

Oh my-

I just laughed as i watched them.

"We better get free food puto." Hector yelled.

Oscar just rolled his eyes and looked down at me with a smile so beautiful. His dimple. I died. (I live for his smile😭😭)

"Why do i get to be with you? I dont deserve it." He kissed the top of my head. 

"You do a lot for me Oscar. I wish you gave yourself more recognition for that." I say as i kissed him multiple times.

"I cant believe I'm gonna have my own little restaurant." He says looking around the place.

"Well believe it cause its real." I laugh.



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ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now