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Ariella's pov

I watched was Sparky and Oscar cuddled.


Sparky. Spooky.

Sparky. Spooky.

Sparky. Spooky.

They sound similar.

"Bebe." I kissed Oscar's cheek.

"Hmm?" He mumbled.

"Im going to the mall with Terry. I'll be back later." I smile.

"Okay be safe." He mumbled.

Then i rubbed Sparky's head. "I'll see you later okay?" I smile at him.

"These are so cute." Terry grinned as we walked out the vans store.

"I cannot believe you bought 3 pairs of shoes for him." I laugh. "You didnt have to do that."

"Yes i did. Hes gonna be my home skillet biscuit." Terry laughed. "I even got us customized beanies."

"Of course you did." I laugh.

"So how are you feeling? Have you been throwing up? Any swelling?" Terry questioned. "Oscar and i were doing research last night."

"Were you now?" I laugh. "That explains why Oscar went to bed late."


"Yes Terry?"

"Dont tell Oscar i told you this but... he has a crush on you." Terry whispered.

"He does? Oh wow i had no idea. That must be why he proposed." I said sarcastically.

"Ariella." Terry freaked out.

"What?" I started getting scared.

"I think i just found the prettiest girl ever." He started hyperventilating.

"Bitch where?" I got all excited as i looked through a group of girls.

"Right there!" He pointed to a girl who was looking at us.

"Dont point!" I smack his hand. "Go talk to her." I smile.

"I cant." He shook his head.

"Why not?" I glare at him.

"Im nervous." He started breathing heavily.

"You're gonna be okay." I pat his back as he started throwing up in the garbage. "Can you please stop? People are staring."

"I need to call Oscar." He pulled out his phone.

"For what?" I laugh.

"For back up." He rolled his eyes at my cluelessness.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now