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Ariella's pov

"Good morning." I walked over to Oscar as he chilled on his crate.

"Good morning bebe." He grinned at me as i kiss him.

"Hey Ariella." Hector and Vincent greet me as i smile at them.

"I have to go to work but i'll see you guys later." I waved before walking over to my car.

Oscar's pov

"She looks perfectly fine." Hector scratched his head concerned.

"I know. I'm worried about her."

"She hasn't cried since we've came home." I mention.

Its been a week and shes acting like nothing happened. I have no clue what they did to her. But i was worried.

"What if she actually is okay?" Vincent brought up.

"Theres no way."

"She told me she wants to have another baby.."

"Well are you?"

"I don't know fool... i dont think we're ready for another one right now."

"Well its obvious you guys need to talk."

"Yeah but every time i try to reassure shes okay she puts it off."

"Just dont bring it up and give her another kid."

"I'm not just gonna get her pregnant just cause she wants one. Thats not how it works. We both have to want it."

"Trouble in paradise i see." Hector laughed.

"We aren't fighting. I just need her to communicate with me."

"So what exactly happened? I know Nicole kidnapped her but why?"

"Dude thats what im trying to figure out."

"Maybe she just didn't like Ariella since she replaced her as Malina's mom." Vincent mentioned.

"Lets be real. She was never Malina's mom. Ariella always was and always will be."

They just nodded in response.

"Okay well i better go." I let out a sigh as i went inside.

I grabbed the bag with the kids belongings and put it over my shoulder.
"Hi princesa." I tickled Malina before picking her up.

Then i went over to Aiden who was in his crib.

I set him in his carrier and grabbed the handle.

Some how some way i was able to carry them to my car.

"Whos ready to see grandma Sylvia?" I look at Malina who was super hyped.

"Me!" She squealed as i put her in her carseat.

Then i went to the other side and put Aiden in his car seat.

"Hi my man." I pinched his cheeks.

"Look at youuuu.. being a dad and shit." Hector chuckled.

"You could totally fit another one in the back."  Vincent pointed out.

"My babyyyy." My mom quickly pulled me into a hug. "Hows Ariella?"

"She's actually been doing good... somehow." I scratched my head nervously.

I followed her inside her house as i carried Aiden and the baby bag.

Malina was already making her way to her toy room my mom made for her a few months back.

"You look exhausted mijo." She analyzed my face.

"Well i am. I've been staying up to make sure my family is safe."

"Its over now... didn't you kill the psycho who kidnapped your wife and kids?" She whispered.

"Yeah.... but its just like more and more drama keeps coming in. More people keep butting into our lives. I'm just tryna keep my streets and my people safe and my family." I let out a sigh as i sat on the couch and watched as my mom rocked Aiden back and forth.

"You cant protect everybody Oscar. Theres gonna be a day where you realize that."

"Well im going to protect everybody. Because thats my job."

"Noooo. Your job is to be there for your family. And before your stubborn ass says i never did that for you  and Cesar then think again." She cut me off before i could mention her absence.

"Okay so what the fuck am i supposed to do?" I groan.

"Give up your spot."

"That aint how it works." I scoff.

"I'm not giving up on the Santos if thats what you think. They never gave up on me and my family so i'm most def not giving up on them. We're a family. And i'll continue to be their leader."

"Okay.... so how do you think you can be a full time father, business man, and gang leader?"

"Just like i am right now?" I smile.

"You are just like your father.... hardheaded but never lets anybody down. All except for yourselves."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I raise my brow.

"You guys get to caught taking care of others you forget to take care of yourself. Think about that."

"I will." I stand up.

"I'll be back later to pick them up. I might be a little late because i plan on taking Ariella on a date."

"Have funn." She laughed.

"Will do."


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ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now