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Ariella's povAfterschool

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Ariella's pov

I had a tutoring session after school for an hour. I was tutoring a junior with his spanish class. I was never really interested in tutoring in my free time but I figured why not.

"Okay so do you understand how to conjugate in past tense?" I asked him as we walked out to the parking lot.

"Sí. Yo sé." He said with a smug smile which made me laugh. He was one of the guys on the football team. He hung out with Julian's football friends but he was innocent. I could tell he cared about football because he's trying to raise his Spanish grade to keep playing.

"Good job. At least you are learning." I smiled at him.

I searched the parking lot for Oscar. Until finally I spotted his car driving towards us.

"Bye Ariella." He said smiling.

I waved at him. "Bye Jake." I smiled as i got in Oscar's impala.

"Who's that?" Oscar immediately asked once i got in. I watched as he just gave Jake a hard stare as he walked to his car.

"Thats the guy i was tutoring." I smiled at Oscar as i tried to lean in for a kiss.

"A tutor for what?" He asked rejecting my kiss.

"He's struggling with spanish and i signed up to be a tutor." I sat there still waiting for my kiss.

"Interesting." He said starting the car.

"Babe give me a kiss." I frowned. Dont tell me he's jealous over a guy im tutoring. He's a junior, thats a little kid to me.

"Can't im driving." He said bluntly.

"Oh my god. You're fucking jealous for no reason." I huffed as I sat back in my seat.

Oscar just laughed. "Just like how you get jealous over any girl who talks to me?"

Then we stopped at a red light.

"Okay kiss me." He said while leaning closer. Oh now he wants to kiss me.

"No. You missed your chance." I rolled my eyes at him as he laughed again. Him laughing just annoyed me even more.

I shook my head. I was so pissed.

He's laughing like something is funny.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now