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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

"Delete it!" I frowned at Cesar who hid his phone from me.

"No. You guys look cute." He smiled as he showed Andrew.

"Who does that? Who takes pictures of people making out?" I furrowed my brows very concerned.

"I needed proof to show you guys that you want each other." Cesar smirked making me roll my eyes at the both of them as we walked to my locker.

"I dont want him." I groaned as i grabbed my book.

"But he definitely wants you. Hes so pussy whipped."  Andy admitted.

"Wha- How?!" I asked completely confused where they gathered that.

"For a guy who gets wasted every night he makes it a priority to wake up early in the morning to take you to school. Even when you have your own damn car." Cesar smirked.

"He has to take you too, its like carpooling." I said.

"Yeah but he only takes me to make it seem like hes just randomly offering. Trust me. Hes definitely into you." He said while i slammed my locker.

"When are you gonna let him hit it?" Andy asked which was out of nowhere.

"Never." Cesar said with a laugh.

"Why?" Andy asked as we continued to walk the halls.

"It took a whole 2 years for Ariella to let Julian hit." Cesar said.

"Damn for real?" Andy laughed.

"Well i take that shit very serious." I said as they laughed some more. "I wanted to see if he was serious, clearly two years wasnt enough." i mumbled.

"Wait was he your first?" Andy asked like it was shocking, like he expected me to have a body count of 5 or more.

"Yeah." i mumbled.

"I heard hes small." Cesar shrugged as i slowly nodded my head. Their eyes both grew big.

"I dont even want to know how you know that, Cesar." I sighed as they continued laughing.

"Usually dicks are the ones with the small dicks." Cesar said as i nodded in agreement.

"That must mean Oscar is super huge." I smiled as they cringed.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now