63- father's daughter

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Oscar's pov

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Oscar's pov

Its been 2 weeks without you.

I knew it would be hard with you gone but damn i didnt think it would be this hard.

I miss you so fucking much. I wish i could just see you.

Im going to officially be a dad in 4 weeks.

I know.

My life is going to change so fucking much and you arent going to be here for it. But thats okay because we got a long life together.

Its weird to think that we arent together anymore. I really miss you. And im just hoping that deep down you miss me too.

I hope you are okay my love.

- oscar

After i finished writing the letter i put it in an envelope and went to the post office.

I sighed as i got back in my car.

"You know you could just visit her." Hector reminded me from the passenger seat.

"No i cant. Letty, Dom, and Cesar wont let me." I sighed with frustration. "They dont want me to see her."

"Do they think you are the reason she tried to kill herself?" Sad eyes asked hesitantly.

I stared at my steering wheel until the steering wheel got blurry. I couldn't cry around the guys, i reminded myself.

"I dont know." I mumbled.

"Nah fool. You made her so happy." Hector patted my back.

"But i definitely let her down." I said as i wiped my face. Now here i am crying, "I should have been there for her." I sniffled.

Then it got really silent.

"I just cant believe they put her in a nut house." Martín said out of nowhere. We all turned to the back seat to look at him.

"Bitch." Say eyes yelled as he smacked the back of his head.

"What? Isnt that where shes at?" he glared at us

"Umm.. its called a psychiatric hospital you rude fuck." I snapped.

"Shit my bad." Martín put his hands up.

I just frowned as i started the car and drove back home.

Once i parked the car i walked inside the house to see Nicole.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hey." I nodded.

"Are you ready?"

"For?" I looked at her completely lost.

"You said you would go clothing shopping for Camila with me." She said as she grabbed her purse.


"Oh yeah." I scratched the back of my head. "Lets go." I said as i slowly walked back outside.

I could hear the guys laughing at me.

"Fuck off." I groaned as i got in the car.

I didnt realize how big Nicole's bump was until now.

Holy shit. Im going to be a dad.

"I cant believe we are going to be parents

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"I cant believe we are going to be parents." I said out loud and she nodded with a smile.

"I always knew we would have a kid together." She smiled at me as she tried to hold my right hand.

"Ay im driving." I said as i shooed her hand away.

I was not interested in getting with anybody at the moment. Or ever.

I didnt care for anyone.

The only girls in my life are Ariella and my daughter.

Although i hooked up with Nicole. I am never going to do that again.

She wasnt even my first love. She was more like my first attachment. I'll be damned if i let my stupid ass fall for that again.


ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now