7- she was pure

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

"So are we cool now?" Oscar followed me with a stupid smile on his face. I walked to his car and sat on the hood of his car.

"I guess." i muttered feeling defeated with the Cesar gang situation.

The race started already but i continued to sit down and just listen to the music being played nearby,

"Aye Ariella!" I heard my name get called out from a distance. I looked up and noticed Andrew walk over to me. He was a racer that was around my age, he went to the same school as me. We're not super close but we do share the same passion, cars. I smiled at him as he walked closer to me.

"My cars is acting up again. I was wondering if i could bring it by your place tomorrow?" He asked me as he glances at Oscar who never kept his eyes off him. If looks could kill.

"Yeah bring it after school. I'll take a look at it." I said as he just shot me a smile, displaying his dimples before walking away to hang with his other friends.

"Will your boyfriend get jealous of that guy?" Oscar smirked.

"No, but will your girlfriend get jealous that you are talking to me instead of her and that im sitting on your car?" I questioned as he just smiled and shook his head no.

"She don't like cars. Shes out with her hynas." He said as i just nodded. I couldnt help but notice how little space there was. "That surprises me, thought she was just up your ass 24/7." i smiled to myself.

Then i glanced over at Oscar as he tried to hide his smile. I couldn't help but notice how nice his lips looked.

"Im hungry." I said getting off the Impala.

"Me too. You wanna get burgers?" He questioned as i just looked at him for a good minute. "Yeah." I smirked as i walk over to Nevaeh and Sad eyes. "You guys better not have sex in my car and please dont crash." I said as i toss her the keys.

"Where you going?" She raised her perfectly shaped brow.

"To get food with Oscar." I said making a smirk creep onto her face.

"Girl you need to stop it." I laughed as i walk back to Oscar's car.

"You ready fool?" He asked as i just nodded my head.

I opened the passenger car door and got in.

Then he started the car and drove us to some burger joint.

"I've never been here before." I said as he nodded his head. "Yeah same." He laughed as we walked in.

It was a cute little restaurant. We took our seats and looked at the menu. "You know what you want?" He asked as he read the menu.

"A salad." I said making him look up at me in disappointment.

I let out a laugh. "Im kidding. Im not about that lifestyle." I said as he just laughed.

Then the waiter came and took our orders.

"So whats up with you?" Oscar smiled as he leaned back in his seat.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"Why aren't you with the novio tonight?" He cleared his throat.

"Uhh i don't know. I mean i guess we both just have different interests. I like cars and he doesn't." I shrugged awkwardly.

"Damn and he doesn't even try to like it just for you?" He asked as i shook my head no.

"Its cool i guess. In a way i kinda like that he doesn't go." I said which made him raise his brows.

"At school im known as 'Julian's girlfriend' and thats all i am to people. They dont truly want to be my friend except for Nevaeh and Cesar. But when im out at the races people know me as Ariella Ortiz. Im not in Julian's shadow and people genuinely want to be my friend with good intentions." I said which he nodded to.

Oscar's pov

I watched Ariella in awe as she talked.

I don't know what was in that joint i smoked earlier but damn i never realized Ariella's beauty until right now.

I mean i always knew she was beautiful but this beauty was so different. Her personality and feelings were coming out. The way she talked so passionately, and was intelligent. I also liked how she opened up to me about how she felt.

I watched as she bit her lip nervously. I was staring far too long. She still hates that.

"I know how that feels." I said and she sat straight and smiled. "You do?" She asked, completely caught by surprise.

"Everywhere i go people think I'm some heartless, mean, asshole who doesn't give a fuck about nobody. Sometimes i like that I'm feared but sometimes i feel like people don't think i have feelings cause I'm Spooky. People dont think i have a heart and it kinda makes me feel like i aint shit." I watched as the sadness seeped into Ariella.

"I always hated that name." She mumbled.

"Why?" I asked as she just looked at me. Her warm, golden like eyes melted into. I dont think she realizes the effect she has on me.

"I don't like the name Spooky. I think its kinda like a catfish name." She blurted out which had me cracking up.

"What you tryna say Nev?" I joked which caused her to laugh.

"No i meant like... the name spooky is supposed to mean you are supposed to be this scary intimidating monster but really you are just this sweet bald puppy. I've always known that about you. Despite what i said to you earlier." She said flashing me the biggest grin.

Fuck we used to be close. I missed that connection we had.

She has grown into this amazing woman. I was happy that although she was born and raised in this hood she didn't let that become her whole personality.  There is a lot of layers to her. She had a clean reputation, and thats something i think i always loved about her. She was pure. Thats something so rare in a place like this.


This is how i got the title if you are wondering lmao

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now