101- up and running

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Ariella's pov

"Streets of Freeridge auto shop." Dom read as the guys put up the sign on the building.

"Do you like the name?" I asked while biting my lip nervously. It was kind of too late to change it so we had no choice but to keep it.

"Yeah of course." He smiled putting an arm around my shoulder. "Im proud of you kid. You've come a long way." Dom said as he kissed my forehead.

I just smiled as we went inside the building. "Look at my office." I smiled as i led him to a small room in the back with my desk and computer.

"Also all the tools and machines we need are coming in soon." I clapped my hands together with relief.

"Did you hire anyone? I got a few guys in need of a job." Dom said as i nodded.

"I hired Andy and Terry so far and Cesar said he would help out sometimes." I answered and he just nodded his head. "Also some of the Santos wanted a job here too. I think that would be really good for them since a lot of people wont hire them." I explained and he nodded.

"Well you know Harry told me that if you needed any supplies he would be willing to give you them." Dom said and i couldn't help but smile.

"Hey bitch!" Nova ran into my house all excited.

"Hi." I smiled as i shut the door to me and Oscar's room.

Oscar and Malina were both asleep and i was not trying to wake them up because they have both been grumpy today.

Malina has an excuse, but Oscar's bitch ass has been a complete dick to me for no reason.

*earlier that day*

I came home from the shop after a long day working out the business side of the auto shop.

"Hi my love." I smiled at Malina as i took her from Oscar.

"Wow. Do i not exist?" Oscar said bluntly.

"Hi baby." I smiled at him as i tried to kiss him but before I could he walked out to the backyard, slamming the door behind him.

I was starting to get pissed off.

Someone is on their period.

Now Malina started crying. Her mood changed when Oscar or my mood changed. If we were crying she'd cry. If we were happy she would be happy. But when Oscar was mad, Malina would cry because she knew something was wrong.

"Its okay princess." I pouted as i went to grab her favorite stuffed animal.

Then i walked to our bed and laid down with Malina.

I played some soft music because it made Malina calm down.

After the song was over she was in deep sleep in my arms.

I just admired her cute little lashes.

I loved this little baby so much. As if she was my own. She was mine.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now