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Ariella's pov

After a long day of working in the shop i finally got to go home to see the love of my life. Malina oh and Oscar too.

I walked through and all i saw was Oscar spitting in the sink.

"What the fuck are we feeding our baby?" He gagged as he pointed to the baby food jar on the table.

I just giggles and went to pick up Malina from her little chair.

"Why are you all a mess?" I look at Malina's face covered in baby food. It was on her clothes.

"Oscar what the heck?" I laugh as i look all around the kitchen. This shit was a whole mess.

"She didn't like it. And neither did i." He cringed. "Wanna try some?" He questions.

"No." I laugh. "Now clean this shit up."

"Excuse me?" He laughs as he pulled me towards him. His gray shirt covered in baby food.

"Oscar you better not." I yell at him as he just smiled.

"I haven't seen you all day. Gimme a kiss." He said pulling me closer.

"Oscar!" I whine as he gets the baby food all over me.

"I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too." I said all grumpy and shit.

Then i carried Malina to the bathroom.

"Oscar! Can you come hold your child while i gather all the stuff?" I say as he walks into the bathroom with attitude.

"You really think you can boss me around and tell me what to do?" Oscar glared at me.

"Yeah thats exactly what i think." I nod my head slowly at the dumb question he asked.

"Oh aight then." He shrugged and kissed my forehead. Then he held Malina and sat on the little stool while the tub filled with water.

I went into our room and grabbed some cute onesie for Malina. Then i got her cute monkey towel and a diaper.

When i came back to the bathroom i saw Oscar watching Malina as she just sat in the tub looking down at the water.

Then she started splashing it.

"Okay i'll take it from here. You go clean the mess you made in the kitchen." I smile before pushing him out the bathroom.

"Okay boss." He rolled his eyes.

I just sat on the stool and watched Malina carefully to make sure nothing would happen.

I worry about her way too much. People tell me i shouldn't care that much. Those people need to mind their own business.

After she was cleaned up i made took her out and dried her with her towel.

"Awww look at my little monkey." I squeal as i gently squeezed her cheek.

Malina was babbling on as i put on her diaper and onesie.

"I love you." I say as i stood her up.

She just smiled at me.

"Papa!" She then started getting excited as her eyes lit up when she saw Oscar walk into the room.

"Hi my babyy." Oscar squealed as he picked her up and held her.

"Look how clean the kitchen is." Oscar says making me follow him.

"Wow good job." I smile.

"Can we have a movie night?" He smiled.

"Sure. Let me go shower first." I say.

"I wanna join!" He smiled.

"We can have Cesar watch her." He says as he walks into his little brothers room.

Then he walked out laughing. "I just cock blocked him and Monse. But who cares... lets go take our shower."

Next day

"Hi beautiful." Oscar smiled as he walked into the garage of Letty and Dom's house. This is where i kept the broken down car.

Both my dad and i trued so hard to fix it.

If he was here it probably wouldve gotten fixed by now.

I havent been here in a while. It felt weird to be in their house.

A lot of my stuff was at the Diaz house but i still had a few things in my old room.

"Hi baby." I smile as i kiss him.

"Damn even when you have a day off from work you're still working on cars." He shook his head as he examined the car.

"I know." I frown as i throw the wrench on the floor.

"Whats wrong?" He pulled me close and hugged me tight.

"I just....I give up. Its impossible to fix this car." I sigh as i hugged him back.

"Its not impossible. It will be fixed one day baby." He said running his hands through my hair.

"I wish it did. But i dont know. Im losing hope now."

"Take a break." He rubbed my back slowly.

I just nodded my head.

"Now come on. Help me get ready for my interview." He says and i nodded as we walked down the street back to the house.




This oscar book is so different from my other ones. It got teenage spooky sooooo go read it

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now