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Oscar's pov

"Oscar that was really fucked up." She stormed past me as i shut the front door and locked it.

"Im fucked up!" I laughed as i followed her into the room.

"Lower your voice the kids are sleeping." She glared at me causing me to shut the door of our bedroom so it was just Ariella, Sparky and i.

"How am i fucked up in this situation? You stabbed me in the back by letting my egg donor into this house. Did she hold our kids?"

"Yes." She sighed.

"Oh great. Lemme go check to make sure she didn't stash her coke in the kids clothes." I laughed.

"Stop!" She glared at me.

"Ariella! Didn't i tell you that i wanted nothing to do with that crackhead? What was she even doing over here?!" I yelled.

Ariella was so calm with her hands on her hips tapping her foot waiting to yell at me. But she has nothing to yell at me for.

"She wanted to see you and Cesar and she wanted to let you guys know that shes sorry."

"Sorry?" I laughed. "Ohhh shes sorry? Oh okay then!" I shouted all sarcastically. "What is she sorry for exactly?" I looked down at my pissed off wife.

"Is she sorry for all those times Cesar and i would starve because she would spend all our money on drugs? Or is she sorry for the times she let crackheads sleep in my bed? Or how about the time she left Cesar and i in a dark alley while she wandered off and never came back? I had to become a parent at 15 because she had some other important shit to do."

"Oscar i'm sorry." She shook her head.

"Its whatever." I laugh.

"She said shes better now." She spoke softly.

"Good for her. But she can stay out of my family's life. I didn't need her then and i sure as hell don't need her now." I stormed out the house.

"Oscar!" Ariella quickly followed me outside.

"Stop." She grabbed my hand before i could get in my car and leave.

"Leave me alone bro!" I took her hands off me.

"Baby." She hugged me so fucking tight i couldn't pry her off.

"Ariella i'm not playing get off me." She finally let go and i got in my car and drove off.

Next morning

Ariella's pov

"Damn so she really came back." Hector let out a sigh.

"Yeah." I sighed as i saw his phone light up. He quickly put it in his pocket and looked away.

"Was that Oscar?" I stood up from my chair and looked at him like a dog when he sees a squirrel.

"No." He cleared his throat.

"Hector give me the fuckin phone!" I yelled causing both Hector and Sparky to flinch.

He let out a sigh and handed me the phone.

I read the message from oscar.

Spooky: yoo i heard prophets are on santo territory. Take care of that shit

Hecturd: aight. Wya?

My acrylics were tapping on the screen so hard.

Spooky: at robyn's dont tell ariella tho

I slammed the phone on the table and started screaming as i went to grab my keys.

"Take me to that bitch's house now!" I gritted my teeth as i stormed out the house.

"What about the kids?" Hector came running out the house with Aiden in his hands.

"Ah shit." I mutter as i took  Aiden from his arms. "Go get Malina. Take them next door."

I walked over to the Santos house which used to be our old house.

"Hey Ari." Martín smiled.

"I need you guys to watch the kids." I handed Aiden over to Vincent.

A few Santos have all been living here and they be so messy.

"Clean this place up!" I yell as Hector brings in Malina.

"She can sleep in Cesar's room." I sigh.

"Can i borrow one of your guys gun?" I look at the guys.

"Ariella stop!" Hector groaned.

"Okay fine lets go." I storm out.

"Open the fucking door!" I banged and kicked on the door.

Hector just looked at me all scared as i almost broke it down.

Then the door flew open and Oscar opened it.


That shit hurted

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That shit hurted

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now