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Oscar's pov

Fuck. This is where i die.

I cant believe this.

"How about we just kill you?" We all turned to see Hobbs holding a machine gun.

"Go ahead. I'll just blow up." Derek smirked.

"You really think we are stupid enough to put an explosive on you so you can threaten us with it? You must be mistaken." Hobbs chuckled but before he could use his gun they both ended up getting shot.

We were both stunned by the actions as we looked at the top of the stairs to see Ariella holding a gun.

"Okay thats enough for you." I took the gun from her.

"I couldn't find her." She groaned.

"Who Nova?" We all turned as she nodded.

In Brentwood

Ariella's pov

"So is this whole thing over now? Can i see my kids or what?" I looked at the group.

"Its not safe. Nova is still out there. Who knows what she's capable of or who else is on their side?" Hobbs answered.

"I want to see my kids." I cried.

"Bebe you'll see them." Oscar hugged me. "Just hold on."

"Don't hug me! Its your fault Nova wants to fuck up our lives." I groaned in annoyance.

"It was a few hookups calm down." He shook his head.

"Yeah yeah suck my dick." I flip him off.

"Wait." Letty spoke up as she jumped off the kitchen counter at Tej's place.

"What?" Roman looked at her.

"Dom and Oscar know something we don't. Thats what Santiago is looking for. But what is it and where is it?" Letty looked over at the two and everyone got quiet.

"We can't tell you." Oscar shook his head.

"Why not?" Brian questioned.

"Did you not just see what they did to Oscar and i because we knew? We got locked up in a mini prison. If we tell you what we are hiding nobody in this room is safe." Dom explained.

Thats when i put my foot down.

"We don't know the secret and we still aren't safe! If i cant see my kids right now i think i deserve to know the fucking secret!" I shouted.

"I can't tell you." Oscar spoke quietly.

"Oh well i'm used to you hiding shit anyways so Dom you tell me."

"I cant." Dom let out a sigh.

"Guys.. i am so tired of these fucking games." I threw my hands in the air.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now