50- out of mind

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

"You cant just do that." I pulled away.

"What do you mean?" He chuckled as if his intentions were innocent.

"You kissed me and im with Julian." I shook my head and just stood up. I was disgusted with myself.

"And you kissed me back." He smirked.

"I dont understand you." I shook my head.

"And i dont understand you." He said getting irritated with me, as if he didnt start this.

"Why do you think its okay to break up with me and act like we're still together?" I asked while pushing back my tears. "You broke up with me but want to claim me, and want to kiss me to prove that i'll never stop loving you. You dont want me to move on, but you don't want to be together. Its fucked up, Oscar."

Oscar just stayed quiet.

I just shook my head and walked out the room.

I was mad at myself. I was mad at Oscar. I was mad at the world.

When i walked back to the waiting room I went straight to Hector.

"Can you please take me home?" I asked and he quickly nodded his head and got up.

Then i waved bye to everyone sitting down and made my way outside.

"Are you okay?" He asked as we got to his car.

"Hell no." I said as i got inside.

After the day at the hospital i made sure to avoid Oscar as much as i possibly can.

And it worked.

Its been a week now and ive been doing fine. Out of sight, out of mind.

I got on track academically and ive also been paying more attention to the cheer team. We've had practice everyday to perfect our routine for the pep rally on friday.

"Girl the routine you created is probably the best one you've ever made." Nevaeh smiled as we got in my car.

We just finished our last practice until the pep rally which is tomorrow.

"I knowww." I smiled excitedly.

"I think we deserve tacos." Nevaeh smirked.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now