17- why i stay

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

The next day

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The next day

"Why do i always gotta sit in the back? My legs are longer than yours Ariella." Cesar groaned in annoyance.

"Because i want her to sit there." Oscar said while looking at him through the rear view mirror. Then he stopped the car in front of the school.

"Really? Thought you'd want her to sit on your lap." Hector mumbled making me turn red.

"Fuck no. Shes not my type." Oscar said making Hector laugh with him.

What is that supposed to mean? Not your type but you'll kiss me?

I didnt even say bye. I opened the door and walked out of that car and into the school.

I stormed to my locker and grabbed my math book. I was doing everything in my power to get that out of my mind.

"Hey girl.. why you cranky?" Nevaeh walked up to me as i shook my head.

"Oscar tried to be funny and im offended." I mumbled as she laughed.

"Baby you're just a sensitive little shit." She said while putting an arm around me.

"Thanks bitch." I pouted as she laughed.

We started walking to our math class and everyone in the hallways were giving me a look.

Everyone knew my dumbass got cheated on.

People keeps talking about it. People feel pity but also claim they saw it coming.

I let out a sigh as i glared at some bitches who didnt know when to look away. Did their parent never teach them its rude to stare?

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now