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Ariella's pov

"I cant believe you are pregnant." Terry smiled to himself as we walked into the house.

"I can believe it. You know how many times we didnt use a co-"

"Oh my god." I interrupted myself once i turned the lights on.

There was a dog sitting on our couch with a cute bald guy who i call my husband.

"Surprise!" He chuckled as he stood up.

"Oscar why is there a dog in my house?"

"Our house bebe." Oscar corrected me.

"Okay. Why is there a dog in my house?" I look at the dog.

He looks scaryyyy.

"Cuchillos gave him to us."

"And why did he do that?" I look at him confused.

"As a wedding gift. He used to be his dog but when he found out you were pregnant he told me to take him. Hes good with babies." Oscar grinned as he rubbed the top of his head.

I just looked at the dog.

"Are you sure?" I pout.

"Yes im sure. And its too late to take him back. Malina loves him."

"Whats his name?" Terry went to pet the dog.


"You got a dog named bullet?" I glared at him.

"Im kidding." Oscar laughed. "His name is Sparky."

"Hi sparky." Terry said in a sweet voice which made the dog wag his tail.

"Hes gonna protect you and the kids. Just in case im not here of the guys arent here. Cause we both know Terry cant fight."

"Hes got a point." Terry said with disappointment.

I just stayed silent. I have to think about this. I love dogs dont get me wrong. But this dog barely knows us. We have no idea how he will be with Malina and a baby on the way.

"Pleaseee dont let me take him back." Oscar whined.

"Okay fine. But im not cleaning up after him. You are." I look at Oscar.

"Okay fine." He smiled.

The next day i woke up to this.

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ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now