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Ariella's povAfter school

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Ariella's pov
After school

I cancelled practice because i just wasnt feelin it. Plus the girls have been working extra hard, they deserved a break.

Julian dropped me off so we could talk.

"See you tomorrow baby." He smiled as i kissed his cheek.

"Bye baby." I smiled as i got out the car and went into the house.

I set my stuff down on the bed and freshened up.

Then i sat back on my bed to do my homework. I have a test to study for and im not trying to fail. But i probably will anyways because of how behind i am.

I laid my back against the wall and stared down at my math notes.

"What the fuck am i even learning?" I mumbled to myself as i put my reading glasses on. As if the glasses will make me solve the math problem.

"What ya doin?" Oscar barged into my room and on my bed.

Why is this guy always popping up out of nowhere?

"Oh hi." I rolled my eyes as i analyzed my old work.

"Whats wrong with you?" He questioned as he got super comfy in my bed.

I didnt respond.

"Ariella." He stared at me as i ignored him again. Then he poked at my legs and sides.

"Stop." I said being serious as he clenched his jaw.

"What did i do this time?" He groaned as i ignored him. When will he take the hint?

"Im talking to you." He grabbed my notebook.

"I was looking at that." I said trying to be calm.

"I dont care. Look at me." He ordered as he scooted closer to me.

"What do you want?" I yelled in annoyance.

"Why you mad all of a sudden?" He questioned in a soft voice.

"Oh so i cant have emotions?" I rolled my eyes.

"Thats not what i said. Ayyy Ariella!" He shook his head as he rubbed the back of it.

I found this so funny.

"Why are you here?" I ask this time, finally looking deep into his eyes. He was trying to read through my facial expressions, but he wasn't going to get anything.

"Because i like being around you." He admitted.

"Funny considering I'm not your type." i laughed.

I watched as his face dropped. "Ariella, cmon it was a joke."

"Would it be a joke if i said the same thing?"

He stayed silent.

"No its cool. I dont even care." I laughed again as i got up from the bed.

"Then why you all mad?" He raised a brow.

"Because you're the one who kissed me, Oscar! You saying these jokes might be jokes to you, but that messes with my head." I snapped then he stopped laughing.

"Ariella." He said softly, he smiled as he tried to get closer to me.

"No dont touch me. Go find someone your type, I'm no longer interested." I shoved him out of my personal bubble but he ended up pushing me onto the bed.

"Stop. You know i was kidding. It was mean but im just joking." He said while kissing me down my neck. "You you're my type, so don't be like that."

"Oscar stop." I let out a sigh. Until finally his lips were no longer pressing kisses on my skin.

I sat up and so did he.

"Im still with Julian." I admit as i looked up at Oscar.

"Why?" He questioned, and i could see how tense he got.

"Because i love him." I said quietly as he looked away.

"You know what?" he laughed after a long moment of silence. "Im not even mad. Go be with him. One day you'll learn from this and you will see what real love is." He shook his head and i could see his eyes getting watery.

Why is he getting upset for?

"Why are you upset? Its not like we would ever be together." I blurted out as he looked at me with sadness and i felt bad. He looked hurt. I was hurt too once.

"You're right." He nodded. "What was i thinking?" He said sarcastically before barging out my house.

I just rolled my eyes and laid back down.


So Ariella and Julian?

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now