75- laying low

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Oscar's pov

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Oscar's pov

Hector wasnt talking to me anymore.

Which fucking sucks because he is like a brother to me.

He's had my back my whole life. I dont think we ever gotten in a fight like this before. I swear it was as if we were dating or something and we broke up.

I missed him.

He was there when my mom left me, my dad and Cesar.

He was there for me when my dad got killed.

I truly felt like shit for what happened with Angelina. Even though i didnt give any consent he wont ever believe that. Which i dont blame him. Single me didn't always have a good reputation. But I meant it when I said I was waiting for Ariella.

I didnt tell anybody what happened. Hector told them I fucked his bitch. I couldnt say I got raped by Angelina because people would just laugh at me and say guys cant get raped.

I havent told Nova that I was raped either. I kind of just wanted to pretend it didnt happen. It was easier that way.

Shes been helping me with Malina and around the house.

I was thankful for her. I really was because she didnt need to do all of that.

"Damn... Hector fuckin hates you homie." Adrian laughed as i sat on the hood of my car watching as the crowd cheered for the racers.

"Yeah." I let out a sigh.

"He broke up with Angelina." He said.

"Good. Shes a weirdo." I glared at the ground for a while before looking up. Worst timing because Hector was walking by and he mugged me before a small smirk appeared on his face. Weird.

I'd do anything for him to forgive me. I hated him thinking I'd sleep with his girlfriend.

"Yo!" Adrian hit my chest as he pointed over at a crowd of people.

"Is that Ariella?" He asked which made my heart skip a beat at the sound of her name.

"Man dont play like that." I glared at him. I didnt need my hopes up. Besides, She would tell me if she came back.

"Nah thats definitely her." He said again, looking at me to confirm. I looked over at where Letty and Dom were and my heart froze. 

There she was.


My Ariella.

Fuck its been a while since ive seen her.

I could feel those feelings coming back all over again.

We both made eye contact.

I got up from my car and started walking towards her and she did the same thing.

"Ariella." I grinned so wide as i pulled her in for a hug. God I missed the way she smelled.

"I missed you." She whispered before hugging back.

"When did you get out?" I asked. God it sound like she got out of prison.

"A few days ago, but i was maying low for a while." She seemed hesitant to tell me that.

She looked so fucking good. Still beautiful as ever. She had a glow about her. It was like i was falling in love all over again.

She seemed genuinely happy. Thats all i ever wanted for her.

I just kept looking at her, completely mesmerized.

My first instincts was to kiss her but then i felt a hand on my back. I turned to my left and there Nova stood.

"Ariella you're back!" she cheered.

I watched them quickly hug which took me by surprise.

Then it got awkward.

Did Ariella think we were together because of how close Nova was standing to me?

"Okay well im gonna go say hi to my friends. But I'll see you guys around." She flashed me a smile as she side hugged me before walking away.



ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now