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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

I was so hurt.

Oscar broke up with me for a stupid reason but still wants to be friends but act like a couple? He wants to claim me, as if thats fair? That we dont get to be together, but i cant move on? So im supposed to just sit around and cry.

He doesnt realize how much this breaks my heart. He was being selfish.

After Julian drove off Oscar left too.

He was pissed, but he doesnt get to be.

You cant open a birds cage and get mad when the bird flies away.

Like hello Oscar are you stupid?

Ever since Oscar and i broke up which is about to be two weeks now, Julian and i started talking again.

Yes i know im the biggest dumbass ever.

Yeah yeah yeah i already fucking know that.

Julian has been helping me with the breakup. He apologized for being an asshole and for cheating and for everything wrong he has ever done to me.

And yeah i know its probably a trap, but i believe in second chances.

We actually have been getting along more than when we actually dated.

We can actually have a full on conversation without us arguing and it felt good. 

Nevaeh, Cesar, and Andy are not happy about it at all. But im done with people choosing who i can and cant talk to. If they have a problem with it, oh well, but im doing what i think is best for me to move on from Oscar.

None of them have ever considered my feelings when Oscar and i broke up. They just pulled me off the bed and expected me to live. If roles were reversed, i would never force them to just be happy, its not that easy.

I was just so over everything.

My 'best friends' havent been treating me like one all because they expect me to just sit around for Oscar. Like I should wait for him to want to get back together with me. Who does that? Younger me would've, but present Ariella wouldn't.

I wasnt having that shit.

I will never be over Oscar. He really means the world to me of course. But i know if he wanted things to work out he would make them work. He didnt even give us a chance to make it work.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now