25- carnival

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Ariella's povSunday

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Ariella's pov

After we ate our pancakes i went back home to take a shower.

I felt gross.

I was listening to music and getting in my feels.

After my whole ass concert in the shower i started doing my makeup.

Thats when my phone started going off. "Hello?" I smiled because of who it was.

"Hey mamas what ya doin?" Oscar's voice was so soothing to the ear.

"Doing my makeup. Why?" I asked and i couldn't help but smile. Thank god he cant see me.

"Okay well be ready in 15." He said as an order.

"For?" i raised a brow and bit my lip out of nervousness.

"Just get ready." He said before hanging up. I couldn't help but smile.

Then i started to hurry with my makeup and hair.

I quickly got ready and i was barely done on time.

When I looked out the window I saw Oscar's car parked in the front.

I quickly grabbed my phone and ran downstairs.

"Bye guys!" I said to Letty and Dom as i walked outside. I heard them smile and day their goodbyes as i shut the door.

I noticed Cesar in the back of the car as i got in the passenger seat.

"Can someone please explain to me what the fuck we are doing?" I questioned the two.

"We wanted to take you out." Oscar explained with a smile.

"Where?" I asked looking back at Cesar.

"I actually dont even know." He shrugged, now we were both looking at Oscar.

"Trust me. When we get there you will know." He smirked as he drove off.

It was a 15 minute drive there. It was peaceful ride, just us listening to whatever music was on the radio station Cesar chose.

"You guys remember now?" He smiled as we looked out the car windows.

It was a carnival.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now