70- her return

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Oscar's pov

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Oscar's pov

"Im sorry for your loss." A girl walked up to me then walked away.

I just stood there watching as they placed Nicole's casket down into the deep hole.

No tears. No heart break.

She passed away 1 month ago and it feels like it just happened.

Im hurt im not going to lie but i felt betrayed at the same time.

I was confused on how i felt.

Although what she has done to me and Ariella was very fucked up. I was still sad because she was a big part of my life whether i like it or not.

We did have some good times.

And she is the mother of my daughter.

It hurts me because Malina isnt going to have her mom in her life. How am i gonna explain that to her in the future? 

"Spooky?" Adrian and Hector walked up to me.

"Hmm?" I mumbled.

"When are we gonna retaliate?" Adrian asked.

"Homie you just got outta jail and you already wanna kill someone?" I looked at him as he nodded.

"They rolled up trying to shoot you and they missed. We gotta do something now before they try again." Hector said.

"They are lucky Malina wasnt home." I said as they nodded.

"So what are we boutta do?" Sad eyes asked as he walked up to us with Vincent and Martín behind him.

"We gotta get them back where its gonna hurt them deep down." I said and they looked at me confused.

"Sword fighting?" Martín raised his brow. Leave it to him to be unserious in a serious situation.

The rest of us groaned. "Nooo." I mumbled.

"Someone wanna remind me why we jumped him in?" Hector joked and we laughed a little.

"Hi baby. I missed you." I kissed Malina as she smiled at me.

She was so big already. Its only been a couple months.

I smiled as i held her close to my chest. I wish i could protect her from the world forever.

"Shes beautiful, Oscar." Nova smiled as she looked at Malina.

"I know." I smirked as Malina smiled at her. "She knows that too."

Nova just laughed.

"Wanna go to the store with me fool?" I asked her as i grabbed my car keys and Malina's blankie.

"Yeah sure." She smiled as she followed me to the car. I put Malina in her carseat and put the blanket on her so she wont get cold.

Then i got in the drivers seat with Nova in the passenger seat.

"So where were you these past couple of months?" I asked her as i pulled out of the driveway.

"Arizona." She said and i nodded my head. I knew she had family over there which makes sense.

"For that long?"

"Well i didnt think i was needed here so i moved back." She shrugged.

"Then why did you come back." I asked as i kept driving.

"I dont know... something just kept telling me to come back. So i did." She smiled at me and i nodded. "And Hector told me about the drama with the Prophets. I figured you guys needed me."

"Well you missed a lot." I said and she nodded.

"Yeah i heard." She sighed.

"I never thought id live long enough to see you as a dad." Nova smiled as she sat on the edge of my bed as i laid down with Malina on my chest.

"Yeah i didnt either." I said as i rubbed her back gently.

She fell asleep so fast. It was like this position was the only way she could sleep.

"I didnt think i could be capable but once she was born i was so committed to being there for her." I said and she nodded her head.

"Aww." She smiled and i did too.

"Do you miss Ariella?" She asked out of nowhere.

Completely caught me off guard. Although i caught her up on all the chisme i didnt tell her about the sex tape and the cheating.

"Yes i miss her." I sighed.

Every time i think about her i get sad.

Nova's pov

"You are now able to see her." The nurse smiled at me as she walked me to the room.

She opened the door and i walked in.

"Nova?" Ariella looked up at me confused and i just smiled.


ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now