60- painless

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*trigger warning* this chapter talks about self harm, depression & suicide

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*trigger warning*
this chapter talks about self harm, depression & suicide. please skip to chapter 61 if you dont feel comfortable reading about these topics.

Ariella's pov

"Mamas you gotta eat." Oscar sighed.

"Not hungry." I said blankly as i just laid my head on the table.

He took me to the burger joint that we always went to. Our spot. I wonder if he brought Nicole here too. God why am i thinking about that? About her. About her with him.

Then Oscar moved so he could sit next to me i stead of across. Except no matter how close he was to me it wouldnt make us connect the way he wanted to. "Come on baby." He smiled as i just shook my head.

"You havent eaten all day." He frowned as he held up a fry to my mouth.

"My stomach is just really hurting right now." I push his hand away from me.

"Okay." He said setting the fry down as he wrapped his arms around me.

I felt him pull my body closer to him. Closer as if that was possible. The hands that were on Nicole.

He started kissing my neck and made his way to my lips.

"You smell so good." He mumbled under his breath.

I couldnt help but smile at him.

I bet Nicole smelled good too.

The smile faded.

"I love you." He said as he looked me in the eyes.

"I love you too." I smiled. I bet he loves Nicole too.

Fuck. Why cant i just forget about her? She's poison my head into thinking about her. About her and him.



My Oscar.

My Oscar who is also her Oscar.

I hate him.

I hate him for this. I hate him for what he's done and he has no clue.

As much as i would love to forget, i just cant.

"What do you wanna do now mamas?" He asked as he ran a hand on my thigh.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now