64- Malina

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

"Ariella." I quickly jerked my head to look at my therapist.

"You said you've been through this before?" She looked at me then back at her paper.

"Oh umm yeah." I mumbled quietly.

"A few years ago my parents were killed. It really affected me. Especially since i was so close to them. Ive had so many thoughts of suicide before they past away. They were the one thing that kept me going. So when i lost them, i just..." I teared up just even thinking about it.

"You just lost your reason to keep fighting?" She finished.

"Because i knew if i took my own life it would break my parents heart." I teared up. "But now that i think about it. They are probably looking down at me so disappointed." I choked out as i started to cry.





Especially in front of people i don't know.

"They are not disappointed. Yes you were at a very low point in your life but its very obvious that you want to better yourself and continue on. And that is something to be so proud of." She smiled at me.

And I smiled back at her.

"I guess i can see what you're saying." I stated as i look down at my nails.

"Okay well thats all the time we have today. Same time Friday okay." She grinned as she stood up from her chair.

"Im very proud of you for opening up." She says as she packed up.

"Thank you for listening." I said softly.

This lady had so much patience. I couldnt relate. It took a week for me to finally open up. When i first started meeting with my therapist,

Ive been in here for two months and shes been coming every week and finally i spoke out and told her how i felt. It felt really good to do that.

I want to get better.

Then she waved goodbye and left my room.

Great. Now im alone.

I sighed as i sat in my bed and looked around the boring ass room.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now