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Oscar's pov

"She still mad at you?" Vincent questioned as we watched Ariella pick at her food.

"Nope." I pout.


"Can you go give this to table 8?" I hand Vincent two plates of tacos.

"Hey." Terry walked into the taqueria.

"Hey homie." I smile as i dap him up.

Then he went over to Ariella.

Ariella's pov

"Hey bud." Terry nudged.

"Hows the baby?" He smiled.

"Good." I smiled as i pushed my plate of food away from me.

"Not hungry?" He raised his brow.

"Nope." I stood up. "I better get back to work. I have a lot of parts to order." I sigh as i walk away.

Terry's pov

"What did you do to my best friend?" I glare at Oscar as he looked very much guilty.

"I dont wanna talk about it." He muttered which made some of the santos laugh at Oscar.

"Cállate!" Oscar shot them a death glare.

"Ariella thinks he likes your novia." Hector chuckled.

"And do you?" I raised a brow.

"No!" Oscar yelled as he slammed a spatula on the counter. Okay spongebob.

"She's pretty but im obviously not into her. No offense she aint my type." Oscar laughed.

"What is your type?" Martín looked at him while eating salsa and chips.

"Ariella! Ariella is my type. If they arent Ariella they arent my type. Simple." Oscar huffed with so much attitude.

"Well shes awfully quiet. Clearly you didnt fix the problem." Hobbs walked into the kitchen which caught everyone off guard.

Ariella's pov

I made sure everyone was doing there job then i went straight home so i can sleep.

I haven't gotten very much sleep lately.

"Ariella." I heard a voice which made me jump a little.

Then the lights turned on.

Hobbs, Terry, Vincent, Hector and Martín were in my living room.

Oh and Oscar.

"Oh hi." I raised my brow at them.

"Come sit." Terry grinned.

I let out a sigh and went to sit down. On the other couch. Away from Oscar.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now