22- outlook on love

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Ariella's povstill friday

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Ariella's pov
still friday

I drove to my secret spot in Freeridge that nobody knows about.

A hiking trail that showed a somewhat nice view of Freeridge. Being here makes the world seem so big. As if my current problems will be nothing compared to the world's problems. That was enough to bring me back down to earth.

I parked my car and sat down on the dirt and stared at the lights. With blurry vision it all looked beautiful and thats saying a lot because Freeridge is not always beautiful.

I continued to cry. I couldnt be anymore embarrassed than i am right now. Forgiving is hard, its even harder when you realize you shouldn't have forgiven.

The two guys i ever loved both left me for something else. Maybe im the problem.

Maybe this love thing isnt for me. In all honesty, do i even know what love is? All my life ive seen my parents love each other, Letty & Dom, Brian & Mia. They all influenced my outlook on love, maybe that's why i thought Julian would love me the same.

I remember staying at this spot for the whole night. I had so many missed calls and text messages.

But i just felt like crying by myself.

I stayed here until the sun rised.

My stubborn ass refused to go back home and see everyone who told me Julian would fuck me over one day.

That next morning i walked over to my car and drove home.

When i went inside Dom and Letty were standing in the living room looking at me worried.

"Goddamn it Ariella!" Letty cried out as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Yeah im here." I said pulling her off me.

"Where were you? You had everyone worried and looking for you." Hector barged in.

"I went for a walk." I said as i walked up the stairs.

"Ariella!" Dom yelled as i made it into my room and shut the door, locking it before he could get in.

Motherfucker! Nobody wants to leave me alone.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned as i wiped my face with my sleeve.

"Where were you?" Oscar stood in front of me as i shook my head.

"I needed fresh air." I shrugged as i pushed last him to sit on my bed. 

"I was fucking scared Ariella." He said as i stared at the wall behind him.

"Im sorry?" I said more as a question, then i started to get emotional again once my eyes met the picture on my dresser of Julian and I.

"I just got cheated on multiple times. I am currently heart broken. Im sorry i didn't feel like checking in?" I said sarcastically while using my sleeve to dry my tears.

"Ariella." He said softly as he kneeled down to look at me.

"Why cant nobody love me?" I sobbed as i stared at the picture again.

"Nooo. Thats not true Ariella. I love you." He said as he held me in his arms tightly. It was comforting, but it was giving me mixed feelings once again.

I continued to cry. "Oscar thats a lie because if you loved me then i wouldn't be crying."

It was true.

Maybe things would be different if Oscar loved me before he was locked up. If he chose me and not Nicole, then maybe my standards for love wouldn't be so low. I know i shouldn't blame him for not loving me then, because it isnt.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

My mindset is different now.

Fuck feelings. Fuck boys.


Sorry its so short!

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now