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Ariella's pov

I looked over at the party to see so many family members.

"Why are you so beautiful?" Oscar said out of nowhere. I just looked at him and blushed. "I love you." I smiled as i leaned my head on his shoulder.

Right now we were waiting for Terry to say his speech.

He walked up to the DJ booth and grabbed the microphone.

Oh god im scared. Terry has no filter.

Terry's pov

"Holaaa!" I smiles at the tables filled with family. They all directed their attention to me.

"So as many as you know.. i am Ariella's best friend." I smirked.

"No you're not." Nova shouted and everyone laughed.

"Then why am i Man of honor?" I snapped at her and she just stayed quiet.

"Yeah exactly. Sit down." I playfully glared at her.

"Anywayss.... as i was saying... im Ariella's best friend. Her homie, her kylie to her kendall, her main bitch." I laughed.

"So because im her best friend that means i know a lot about her. I know when she's mad, i know when she's sad, i also know how to make her laugh when shes mad. But another thing i know is that this girl got my homie Oscar tied down." I laughed as i looked at the newly weds

"Everyone knows Oscar is the guy who is in control. He calls the shots. Everyone knows that." I say and many santos nodded in agreement.

"But not anymore." I laughed. "Our homie can no longer call the shots." I smiled.

"Its been like that ever since i met them. They werent even dating but i just knew." I smiled. "I told Ariella that one day they were gonna get married. She didnt believe me.... well who was right?" I looked over at her.

"The reason i knew that they would be together forever is because of how i saw Oscar act. He was in love and everyone know knows Oscar knew that."

"I remember one time they were arguing about the stupidest thing ever... the radio in the car."

Everyone laughed a little.

"Yeah i was in the backseat and just sat and watched as they bickered back and forth. Ya see now Oscar wanted to play his hood rap and Ariella wanted to listen to some cute lovey dovey typa shit. So you can see how this fight went." I laugh just thinking about it.

"So as Oscar was singing fuck bitches get money Ariella started yelling at him while she changed the radio and started playing i could fall in love."

"Now Oscar was all pissed cause he has the 'my car my rules' and one of his rules was... he gets to play whatever he wants. And Ariella wasnt with that rule."

"So they argued about it after a while and then guess what happened." I smiled as Oscar just shook his head at me.

"Ariella got upset that she couldnt play Selena and she turned the other way so she didnt look at Oscar. And of course our man Oscar changed it back to her music." I said and everyone just laughed at Oscar.

"Actually now that i think of it... im not sure what the point of this story is." I laughed. "All we know is Oscar didn't get his way."

"I dont know how to explain their love. Its amazing though. Because of them i have high expectations on what type of relationship to be in. They both build on each other to be better. Now they both have their dream businesses. They work their asses off together." I smiled at them.

Cesar's pov

"My brother has always been a hard worker. He raised me and he did a good a job. I mean look how good i turned out." I smiled.

"I know that guy very well. And im pretty sure everyone around here knows how he is too."

"No offense mano but you used to have no patience and got mad easily."

"So when Ariella came along at first i thought to myself.. this cant work. Ariella is a goofy girl who is way too nice for my cholo brother."

"But noooo... i have never seen my brother have so much patience like he does now." I laughed.

"A few days ago Oscar was in a little pissed off mood and usually that meant to leave him alone so he can cool off. But nooo Ariella decided lets go bug him." I said and Ariella just smiled.

"She went up to him and just smothered him with affection and his mood changed real quick. He started getting all smiley." I explained.

Hector's pov

"I have known that guy for my whole life and i have never ever heard him talk in a baby voice. He didnt use to do that until Ariella came. And now every time i walk in the house all i hear is Oscar talking in a cute voice." I laugh.

"Our homie, Spooky turned into Casper the friendly ghost." I said and everyone just laughed.

"And some may say. Spooky turned into a softy. Nah i think it was always in him. But Ariella is the real one who let him express that side of him."


HAHHAAH i feel bad everyone just exposin Oscar in this

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now