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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

"Okay guys Derek is here! Im gonna go." I called out as i ran down the stairs.

"He better bring you home by 9." Dom said as he pulled me in for a hug. "Its a school night." He teased.

I smiled at Dom before letting go.

Then i turned to Letty who was smiling at me. "You have a good time okay?" She said as she kissed my forehead and held me tight.

It was just a date. Not a wedding. They were acting like this was the last time they see me.

Then i turned to Hector as he got up from the couch.

Oh god. As Jamal would say... here comes water works.

"He better be good to you." He teared up. "You deserve someone better. Not a betraying asshole cholo who will stab you in the back and not care about how you feel because he doesnt think its wrong that he fucked your girl." He grew angrier again.

Oh god.

I sighed as i pulled him in for a hug. He has brought this up 5 times now.

"Hector. I know you're pissed at Oscar. But i think you need to hear him out." I explained to him.

"No. I dont need to hear his sorry ass excuses."

"Hector. Dont let that girl get in between a life long relationship. Oscar didnt betray you. Angelina did." I explained to him but Hector's stubborn ass didnt want to admit shit. "You really think Oscar would throw your friendship away for a girl? And if he was then why wouldn't they be together right now?"

He took a long pause before nodding. "Okay. I'll talk to him. You go have fun." Hector smiled as he opened the front door for me.

I just walked out the front door and towards Derek's car. There he was waiting. He wasn't late.

"You look good." Derek grinned as he opened the passenger door.

"Thank you. So do you." I smiled back at him as i got in the car.

Oscar's pov

My heart sank as i watched Ariella drive off with Derek.

"Hey." I turned to see Hector walking towards me. I was so focused on Ariella that i didn't watch my surroundings.

"Hey." I said back, completely taken aback that he actually talked to me. Its been so long.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now