52- reverse it

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

"You asshole." I whined as i grabbed 4 more cards from the uno stack.

I rolled my eyes as Oscar just laughed his ass off.

Then Cesar put down a card.

"Awww Ariella is mad." Oscar teased as i rolled my eyes. "Dude fuck off." I laughed as i looked down at my 12 cards.

Oscar has been putting down plus four cards every time it was his turn.

"Can someone reverse him?" I whined as Martín nodded.

"I got youuu." He smiled as he reversed it.

I smirked and put down a plus 4 for Oscar.

"What color?" He asked as he grabbed the cards.

"Yellow." I said which made him glare at me playfully.

"Thats the one color i dont have." He groaned as Hector went

"You didnt say uno bitchass!" Hector yelled at Vincent.

"Fuck you!" Vincent yelled at him. Everyone laughed as he grabbed two more cards. (Sorry if this shit is wrong. I havent played uno in years)

"I quit." I sighed as i put my cards in the stack.

"Loser." Oscar laughed and i rolled my eyes.

"You are so mean to me." I laughed as i went to the fridge to grab a water.

I couldnt help but notice Desi went up to Oscar and dragged him into his room with the door shut.

Then the guys were being guys and teased them. "My homie is gonna get some tonight." Sad Eyes yelled and i cringed.

I was really the only girl here.

I checked my phone to see multiple missed calls and texts from Julian and Letty.

come get your bitch. Hes at our house and hes wondering where you're at

My baby sis💖
okay ill be right there

Im at ur house and u aint here tf

Im comingg

"Shit i better go." I mumbled as the guys looked at me.

"Whats up?" Cesar asked.

"Julian's at my house." I said as i gave each of them a side hug.

"Stay safe putos." I smiled at them.

"You better be safe too." Vincent called out.

Then Martín yelled "Ayeee! My girl Ariella is gonna get someee."

"Aw hell nah. You better not be fucking that Juju kid." Hector yelled.

"Oh my god." I mumbled in embarrassment.

"Goodbye." I laughed as i ran out of the house and towards mine.

I walked in the house and up to my room.

Julian was laying in my bed on his phone.

"Hey baby." I smiled at him as i shut the door and got on the bed with him.

"Nah. Dont hey baby me. Where the fuck were you?" He gritted his teeth.

"Excuse me?" I look at him confused.

"You heard me." He said as he just went back to his phone.

Then i quickly snatched his phone. "Julian listen to me." I hissed as anger grew on his face.

"Give it back to me!" He yelled but i was being stubborn.

"Listen to me." I yelled and he got even more mad.

"I dont think its fair that you get to go to your ex's house and you made me promise to stop talking to Mia." He said folding his arms.

"Okay but thats not the same Julian." I rolled my eyes as i put his phone in my back pocket.

"What the fuck do you mean its not the same?" He raised his voice.

"Because Im not there to fuck Oscar. Im there to hang out with my friends." I glared at him.

"Aight then lemme go hang out with Mia. MY FRIEND." He said getting up from the bed.

"See thats different. Cause your ass might actually fuck her." I said as i sat on the edge of the bed.

"OH! So you think imma cheat on you again?!" He got in my face.

"Well you did cheat on me behind my back for a year that we've been together. So i think its only fair that you cant talk to that bitch while we're together." I shrugged giving him a smile.

"Okay i understand that you dont want me near Mia. And im gonna respect it as long as you respect my wishes of you not talking to Oscar anymore." He folded his arms.

That broke my heart. We have gotten so much closer and not even as a couple but as close friends.

I considered Oscar as my best friend.

But i needed to respect Julian's wishes.

"Fine." I said and he just smiled.

"Thats my girl." He said smiling like a spoiled ass princess.

Then he pulled me in for a kiss.

"I better go. My mom keeps texting me." He sighed as he reached into my butt pocket and grabbed his phone then his car keys.

"Bye baby." I said as he walked out.

I sat here contemplating my choices as he left me here.

Is this love?


ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now