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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

Later that night

After a long day we put the kids to sleep.

Oscar seemed a little off. So i decided we'd go hang out in the living room so we could talk.

"So tell me whats wrong?" I looked Oscar in the eyes as he shook his head.

"Nothin. I'm fine."

"No. You've been off all day. What's wrong?" I let out a sigh.

"Nothing. It just hit me hard today that everything has changed."

I pouted as i nodded my head.

"Don't get me wrong Ariella... i love you and our kids. But i get sad."

"You miss your old life." I nodded my head.

"I dont miss the hynas on the block or the violence. I just feel like i'm not spooky. I'm not the same person." He shrugged.

"I get it. I miss those days too." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"You do?"

"Well yeah... look at me... im young as hell and i got a family. But hey that's life." I shrug. "Maybe change is good for us."

"You're right." He sighed as he pulled me in for a kiss.

That was when i heard the doorbell at the door.

Sparky who was laying on the couch jumped up and looked at the front door.

"Uhh are you expecting someone?" I raise my brow as Oscar shook his head as he walked over to the front door.

He motioned for me to get the gun.

I walked over to the closet in the hallway and grabbed the gun in the safe.

Then i walked by the entrance, hidden just in case.

I gave Oscar a look and he opened the door slowly.

"I fucked up! Guys i fucked up really bad! And i need you help." We were both taken by surprise as they came in causing a whole commotion.

"Terry?" I stared at him in complete utter shock as he just looked at us.

"Terry?" I stared at him in complete utter shock as he just looked at us

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"I thought tha-"

"I did something really bad." He said completely out of breath.

Oscar and I looked at each other then back at him.


Wellllll wellll wellll

Look who's back and better than ever lmfao.

What was your reaction to the ending?

The day i killed Terry off i knew i was going to end the book like this and i did it for a reason🤪🤪

I would never kill off terry like that the fuck


But yes guys

This is in fact the end.

Its crazy because this was my 3rd oscar fanfic.

It was also my fast and furious crossover.

I was so hesitant to do something like this mainly because i was afraid nobody would like this crossover.

But you guys surprise me and gave me 1 million reads on this book. Which was the first time.

And holy shit..

This book has been in the works for almost 2 years.

This book has been through it.

One of my personal favorites.

I'm quite happy with the ending.

There may or may not be a book 2

If i do make one it wont be out for a while.

I have so many other books i want to put out.


This book is fr fr over.

We've been through so much.

I couldn't thank you guys enough for the love and support for this book.

Because of you guys i hit 1M and that makes the staying up all night to write chapters so worth it.

I genuinely love making books for you guys.

And the fact that people take the time out of their day to read my stuff is something that i will never not appreciate.

But if you really want a book 2


And i'll make that happen.

Yall already know how this goes...

Ladies and gentlemen......

This was Catfish.


ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now