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Oscar's pov

"You're firing me?" Robyn started crying.

"Yes. I think its inappropriate that you have feelings towards your boss." I shook my head and handed her the last check she would be receiving.

"But i didn't even make a move on you Oscar." She looked at me confused.

"I know and to make sure you never do is by firing you."

"Screw you then!" She stormed out the restaurant.

Thankfully i haven't opened yet.

I let out a heavy sigh and say down at one of the tables. Its been 2 weeks and Ariella is still not back.

I don't even know where shes at and I'm worried.

"Wow." I looked up to see Sylvia.

"What are you doing here?" I glared at my mom as she walked around the restaurant.

"When your wife told me that you ran a business i was so proud of you." She grinned at me while taking a seat across from me.

"Yeah." I shrugged.

She just looked at me. "I know i'm probably the last person you want to see right now."

"Yeah you're right." I smiled.

"But i was serious when i said i changed for the better." She let out a sigh. "I went to rehab for a long time and i even met someone and got married."

"Congrats. Im soooo sorryyy you suffered." I spoke sarcastically.

"I know i haven't been the best mother i could be to you and Cesar."

"Yeah i know." I laugh.

"But i'm here now." She smiled causing me to look at her in confusion.

"Why did you leave in the first place?" I frowned as i stared at the table to avoid eye contact.

"I was messed up Oscar. One day i just thought i was just gonna take off and never come back."

"Have you even once thought about what you were leaving behind?" I shook my head at her.

"Yeah." She started tearing up. "And i will never forgive myself for leaving my family."

"My dad loved you and you left him." I shook my head. "You know he died 3 years after you left?"

"No i didn't." She frowned at me.

"Yeah cause you were too busy creating a better life for yourself. Now you wanna come back just because you feel guilty? Now that you came back you have caused marriage problems between Ariella and I."

"No offense but you caused the problems by going off with that one bitch." She looked at me nervously.

"How did you know about that?" I pouted.

"Ariella called me in tears."

"Ah shit." I muttered.

"Whatever. The point is... i don't need you." I glared at her.

"Well if you want to see Ariella again then i think you will need me." She looked up at me.

"What did you do to her?" I stood up.

"Nothing. But shes been staying at my house for the past 2 weeks." She got up.

"You live in Brentwood now?" I glared at my egg donor as she pulled up into a nice house.

"Yeah.... i told you i got married. He happened to be rich." She shrugged.

"Damn gold digger much." I chuckled as i stepped out of her car.

"Shut up. I didnt know he had money until 6 months into the relationship." I followed her up the steps.

Then she unlocked the door and let me in.

The first thing you would see is the giant staircase. I just followed her upstairs to see even more door and confusing hallways.

"Shes in here." Sylvia opened the door to a bedroom. "I'll be downstairs if you guys need anything."

I walked into the room and was immediately greeted by Sparky.

Then i heard Aiden crying in his crib.

"Hi little man." I picked him up. His mood quickly changed. Thats cause hes a daddy's boy.

"What are you doing in here?" I turned to see Ariella coming out the bathroom with Malina wrapped around her monkey towel.

"I missed you." I pouted as i sat on the bed.

"Ok." She shrugged as she took Aiden from my arms.

"Can we talk?" I pouted.

"No." She walked out the room with Malina and Sparky following behind her.

Damn my own family is against me.



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Oscar's mom

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now