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Ariella's pov

I just watched as Aiden slept in our bed.

Sparky was too.

In these last couple of days he has gone protective mode over his new baby brother.

"Okay bebe. I have to go." Oscar frowned as he looked at me.

"Okay bebe." I frown as i watch him get ready to leave for work.

"I love you." He kissed my lips.

"And i love you." He kissed Aiden's head carefully.

"And i love you." He kissed Malina who was now sleeping in what used to be Oscar's side of the bed.

"And i love you." I rubbed Sparky's head.

"Bye baby." I waved at him as he left.

Later that day

Oscar's pov

I walked into the santo house. It felt weird walking in here even though i grew up in this house.

The guys got quiet once i walked in.

"We need to do something about the Prophets." Is all i say before they all nodded in agreement.

"Like what?" Vincent looked at me.

"We gotta think outside the box." Hector suggested.

"How can we possibly get revenge?" Sad eyes looked around the group of santos.

"When they kidnapped me they raped me.." Nova spoke softly as she looked up at me. "And they said Ariella was next."

I just looked at the ground in silence as i shook my head.

"Thats it." I threw my hands in the air. "Im going to prison. Ima kill a motha fucker like today." I stormed off into the room that kept all our guns.

"Oscar.. we gotta rethink this." Hector stopped me. "We make this war worse you are just putting your family in danger. We gotta smart about this." He looked me in the eyes.

"Terry's gone. Nova got raped and they shot up the car shop. They could've killed Ariella or Malina. What if they did?!" I shook my head.

"I know you are angry. You have every right to be." Hector frowned at me. "But if we wanna take them down we gotta think harder than just showing up and shooting up a house." He let out a sigh.

"Nah." I shook my head as i put a gun in my waist band before walking out the house.

"Oscar!" The guys yelled as they followed me out to the front lawn.

They were making a whole commotion and shit.

Of course this made Ariella step outside our house. She walked over to the Santo house and looked at me confused.

"Oscar. Whats going on?" She had worry in her eyes once she saw the gun.

"Nothing mi amor. Go back inside."


"Ariella i said go inside." I shouted which made her jump.

She stepped closer to me.

"Oscar. If you think im gonna let you go over to prophet territory right now. You must really be crazy." She shook her head.

"Ariella. Stay out of it." I gritted my teeth. I didn't want her to be involved.

"No." She shook her head as she reached over and grabbed the gun.

"Ariella. Give that back." I sighed as she tossed it onto the dead grass.

"Im not gonna do this again." She sighed. "I just lost Terry. And honestly im tired of losing the ones i love. And thats why im not letting you do anything that can cause you to get killed." Tears filled the brim of her eyes as she grabbed my hand.

"Im angry too. But this isnt going to solve anything." She spoke as she rubbed the back of my hand gently.

"Your family needs you." She spoke softly as she pressed my hand on her cheek.

I let out a sigh as i kissed her forehead and held her tight.

"I love you." I let out.

Then after i calmed down we walked back into the house.

"Who's watching the kids?" I looked at Ariella as she sat on our old couch.

"Letty and Dom." She spoke as everyone sat around her.

"So heres what you guys need to do." She spoke up.

"Woah woah woah." I stopped her. "What are you doing?" I raised my brow at my wife.

"Coming up with a better plan." She spoke in a 'no duh' tone of voice as she continued.

"They kidnapped Nova and killed Terry. They clearly planned this shit out. I mean think about it. They set up a meeting far from Freeridge just to distract you. And then killed Terry. They know how important he is to us." She explained.

"They know that you guys would want to take action hella quick. Of course they are prepared to fight back. They are probably holding a gun in there hand as they sleep with one eye open." She explained. "Which is why we cant fight back."

"We? Nah baby. There is no we." I shook my head at her. "You are staying out of this." I smiled at her.

"Shes got a point though." Hector says as he lights up his blunt.

"We gotta wait until they least expect it." Nova nodded.

"Ayeee new recruit." Martín dapped Ariella up.

"Hell no." I crossed my arms and glared at Martín.



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ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now