62- farewell

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Oscar's pov

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Oscar's pov

I wiped my tears as i walked into the room.

Ariella was resting in her bed peacefully sleeping. I walked up to her quietly and her eyes shot open.

"Baby." I whispered softly as she just looked at me. She seemed surprised i was here.

"Oscar." She said weakly as she sat up on the bed.

I took a seat next to her bed and held her hand carefully.

"Cesar told me what happened." I frowned at her.

If she was really hurting why didnt she tell me why? How could i not see the signs? I know that Ariella had a dark past while i was in prison, but i didnt know the full story. Ariella never opened up about it, and i never wanted to push her to talk about it if she didnt want to.

"What else did he tell you?" she questioned.

"Not much." I sighed as i kissed her hand softly. "But you know I'm here for you right? As your boyfriend i need you to know that i'm here for you. You're not alone, baby." I said as i looked at her.

"Things just have been hard lately." She opened up. The emotion in her voice was intense.

"Whats been happening?"

"Myla and her friends have been giving me a hard time at school. Andy's girlfriend told me some things and i let it get to me." She sighed. "I guess a part of me agreed with them." She mumbled.

"What kind of things have they been saying?"

"Stuff like how im useless and nobody cares about me and that if i was gone it wouldn't matter." She closed her eyes to stop the tears.

My blood boiled.

Ariella's pov

Tell him about Nicole. Tell him about Nicole.

Tell him that him cheating did this to you too.

Oscar's pov

"Ariella." I cried. "None of that shit is true. If you died... shit I'd die with you because i need you in my life." I reassured her.

She continued to cry as she shook her head.

"Oscar." She spoke up again.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now