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Ariella's pov

"Where are you going?" I pout at Oscar as he got dressed.

"Im gonna have to drive down to San Diego." He let out a sigh.

"San Diego? For what?" I pouted.

"Cuchillos told me that he found out where Nova is."

"Well is she lost?...." i looked at him so confused. I thought she was in Arizona.

"Prophets kidnapped her." He sighed.

"What?! Let me come with you." I struggled to stand up.

"No bebe you cant. Strictly santos stuff. I dont want you involved." He frowned as he pushed my hair behind my ear.

We just stared at each other for a long minute.

"Okay." I sighed. "You please be safe." I hugged him taking in his scent. Holy crap he smelled so damn good it turned me on.

"I will be safe. I'll call as soon as i can." He kissed me on the lips repeatedly.

"I love you." He said softly as he leaned down lifting up my shirt to kiss our baby. Which we still haven't decided on a name. We just call him little monkey.

Then he walked over to Malina who was standing behind me.

"I'll see you later okay princess." Oscar said in a sweet voice as he held Malina in his arms.

"Bye papa." She smiled at him.

"Terry." I laugh as he accidentally played an inappropriate song in the car.

"Shit my bad. I forgot Malina was in the car." He laughed as he lowered the volume.

"So since when did Nova get kidnapped?" He raised his brow.

"I dont know. I just found out this morning." I sighed remembering that Oscar still hasn't called and he has to have already made it in San Diego.

I parked the gray impala next to the shop and we both got out.

"Can you get Malina?" I question as he did as told.

We walked into the shop to see Andy and Trey.

I havent seen Andy in a cool minute. Mainly because he is very focused in college. He wants to finish community college so he can transfer to a university.

"Damn you grew hella." Andy laughed as he hugged me carefully.

"I know right." I laugh.

"Hey Trey." I waved at him as he nodded.

"How's..." i read the clipboard. "...Geny Martinez's car?" I look at the boys.

"We are almost done with it." Trey answered as he cleaned his hands with the rag.

"Did you put the new spark plugs that i ordered?" I question as they both nod.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now