35- my sister

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

"My little sister and Spooky. I always knew it." Letty smirked at me as i worked on Andy's car.

"Yeah same." Andy laughed.

"I didn't. I always thought that Oscar and Nicole were going to be end game for sure." I shrugged which made Letty just laugh in my face.

"With the way she treated him? No that was never gonna last." Letty shook her head.

"What did she do that was so bad?" I questioned. "She made him happy didnt she?" I added. She must have made him happy since they lasted this long.

"I was babysitting Cesar one time before Spooky got arrested. So 4 years ago. He must've thought we left the house. We were in his room, and we over heard them talking. Nicole cheated on him and Oscar cried and she yelled at him for being a pussy. She was saying all this disrespectful shit and just found ways to blame him for her cheating. And it was sad because he just took it. He didn't fight back. It was almost as if she manipulated him into believing all the bad things she said was true,"

My heart hurt. Thats why he never shows his emotions to anyone. He did that with Nicole and she screwed him.

"Im surprised." Andy was taken aback. We all were.

"Yeah. You would think that Oscar would dump her ass and move on but nope." Letty shrugged as i shook my head.

"When you love someone.. you are just so in love that you will let them hurt you. Just because you love them." I let out a sigh as i thought about Julian's bitch ass. I wouldve let him killed me 100x and i'd still take him back. Not anymore. Not when i can have someone like Oscar,

I wiped him out of my mind and closed the hood of the car.

"2 tanks of nos are now installed."  I let out a sigh of relief. Andy just smiled.

"Thanks Ariella." He said pulling me into a hug.

"I owe you." He said and i nodded.

"You sure do." I said as he handed me money.

"No. Keep your money, but you better win the race tonight." I said and he laughed.

"Okay okay." He nodded as i tossed him his keys.

"Ill see you guys later." He said before getting in his car and driving away.

"He is so good looking how is that cabrón still single?" Letty raised a brow as i shrugged. She always teased that Andy and I would probably date. We had a lot in common, but i saw him more as family than a potential boyfriend.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now