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Oscar's pov

I slammed my car door as i walked to the front door. I was pissed.

I got rejected from 3 jobs.

Why is it when i want to turn my life around i cant be given the opportunity? Now that I am no longer tied on a leash by Cuchillos I can be more than Spooky and I cant.

I sighed as i walked inside the house.

It was quiet. For once nobody was here and i was thankful for that because i needed to be alone.

I entered my room and saw Ariella and Malina sleeping on my bed.

That made my whole day. In a perfect world this would be what I wanted to come home to everyday.

I took off my shoes and got into bed.

Malina was laying between us.

She woke up when i got on the bed and under the sheets.

"Hi my love. Im sorry i didnt mean to wake you up." I whispered softly as i kissed her cheek.

"I love you." I mumbled then i looked over at Ariella.

She was in a deep sleep.

After a while Malina fell back asleep in my arms. I went to put her in her crib then made my way to the kitchen to get a beer. I popped the bottle cap off and took a swig.

"What are you doing?" I turned my head to my bedroom door. Ariella shut the door behind her and walked up to me.

"Drinking." i responded before taking another sip.

"Celebration drink?" She had a hint of hope in her voice as she went to sit on the kitchen counter beside me.

"No." I said bitterly.

"Oh." She took the beer from my hand and took a sip.

"What the hell." I laughed in disbelief as she handed it back.


"That was mine." i looked at the beer. "You got your mouth all on my bottle."

"Not the first time i had my mouth on your bottle." she had a mischievous smile on her lips.

"We still talking about the beer?" i raised a brow.


"Mhm." i said before walking over to where she sat.

"Im sorry the interviews didn't go as planned." she said as i stood between her legs. "I'd hire you in a heartbeat."

"To do what?" i questioned.

"Oh you know, assist me with my needs and call me pretty." she smiled down at me.

"Does the job pay good?" I ran my hands up her thighs and to her hips.

"Mhm. With benefits." she smirked.

"Sounds great. I'll take it." I chuckled.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now