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Ariella's pov

"Bebe you arent seriously mad at me are you?" I pout as Oscar stormed into our room.

"Oh no. Im pissed." He smiled at me.

"But babyyy." I pout as i laid in the bed with him.

"Nah. Dont baby me Ariella. I told you to stay out of it. And now you are involved."

"Chill im not in the gang." I rolled my eyes at him as i got under the covers with him.

"Bebe." I frown as he scoots away.

"Nah like im actually fucking pissed. Dont take it as a joke." He shook his head as he stared at the blank tv.

"I wasnt taking it as a joke." I pouted as i straddle his lap.

"Get off me." He lifted me off of him.

"Why? I didn't do anything." I whined as he kicked off his shoes and got up from the bed.

I just watched him take off his shirt and change into some sweats.

Then he came back to the bed and laid down.

He ignored eye contact and just fell asleep.


I shook my head all upset and stormed out the room.

I walked over to Malina and Aiden's room and checked up on them.

They were both sound asleep thankfully. I turned on Aiden's baby monitor and just watch him sleep. It felt so good to be a mom. Like wow.

Sparky was also sleeping in Malina's bed.

"Good night big boy." I whispered as i left the door half open so i could hear them.

Then i slowly walked back into my room. Oscar was asleep on the far edge of the bed.

I pouted as i got rid of all my clothes and changed into one of Oscar's clean shirts.

Then i crawled into my side of the bed and faced the other direction. Now Oscar and i had our backs turned on each other.

I didn't like this.

He was really gonna let me sleep all alone like this?

He's getting the silent treatment tomorrow.

A few days later

This guy was really ignoring me.

For noooo reason.

He hasnt even looked at me once today. I felt like a ghost.

He didn't even tell me he was throwing a santos party next door.

Aight. So its like that.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now