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Oscar's pov

I gently rubbed Ariella's head as she slept peacefully.

She threw up 2 times last night and she still didnt feel good when she woke up.

"Mamas?" I whispered as she finally sat up.

"Good morning." She mumbled as she covered her face.

I laid down next to her and she was so quick to lay on top if me. Like right on top of me as if i was the bed.

"Maybe that will teach you to stop drinking more than you can handle." I say as i poke the sides of her stomach.

"Hey! Dont do that!" She groaned in annoyance as she jumped.

"Not my fault my bebe is ticklish." I smirked at her. She looked into my eyes and fought so hard not to smile,

I just smiled as i kissed her gently.

"Just to clarify... that guy from the party didnt put anything inside you right?" I questioned. If he wasnt already dead I'd kill him.

"No he only put his chode on my thigh which was hella gross."

"I shouldve stopped you from going to that party." I sighed as i rubbed the back of her head as she laid it in the crook of my neck.

"Why were you mad at me yesterday?" Her voice was muffled.

"I was just upset about something, but its stupid."

"Your feelings aren't stupid, Oscar. I want you to tell me how you feel no matter what. Even if you think I'll get mad. We need to be able to tell each other everything. Even if it's about the Santos I need to know whats going on with you." She said as she lifted her head to look at me.

I let out a deep sigh as i looked her in her eyes. "Its about the Santos business."

"Care to elaborate?" She asked as she traced circles on my chest.

"I dont want to involve you." I shook my head.

"Oscar..." she gave me a stern look,

I met out a sigh of defeat. Ariella was stubborn like me. She wouldnt stop asking questions until i told her. "Now that Cuchillos is gone we have no more business coming to us. All our connections were her connections and now that shes gone they no longer want part. So not only is it affecting the Santos but its affecting Rio and his night club business."

"Thats why you went over there?" she pieced it together.

I just nodded.

"So did you guys come up with a plan?"

"No because i felt like shit about how i treated you so I left to find you. Thank god I did because i dont even want to think about what would've happened if i didn't."

"I'm sorry."

"Dont apologize, Ariella." i let out a sigh. "I fucked up again. I'm sorry,"

"Its okay my love." She said in her soft voice as she leaned in for a kiss.

"So what should we do today?" She asks as she scrolls through her phone.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now