12- beyond repair

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Ariella's pov*Flashback*

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Ariella's pov

4 years ago
3 weeks before Oscar's arrest

"Hey mamas." Oscar smiled at me, making me blush.

"Hi." I mumbled shyly as Oscar pulled me closer.

"Can i ask you something?" I bit my lip nervously as he nodded his head and kissed my temple softly.

I pulled away to look at him. "Why don't you want to be official?" I bit my lip as he frowned at me.

"We dont need to be official babe." He smiled as he kissed my cheek.

I wanted to be official. He didnt want to because he had just turned 17 and is basically on top of the world. He has taken over as the leader of the Santos. And i just turned 15. We have a two year age gap and although thats small, we were both in different phases of our teenage years. I understand that, but we still loved each other. At least, i did love him.

"I still love you mamas you know that right?" He questioned me while reaching for my hand. I just nodded quietly, not really happy with his response. I wanted nothing more than for him to call me his and be proud of it.

A few days later
Still flashback

"Cesar where's Oscar?" I questioned as i walked into the house, he was in the middle of doing school work.

"Ariella." He freaked out as i headed for his bedroom door. "I dont think you wanna go in there." he looked nervous.

Before Cesar could stop me i opened the door to peek through and all i could see was Nicole naked on top of Oscar.

My heart shattered as i closed the door.

They didnt see me. They were busy doing other shit, obviously.

"I think i gotta go." I shook my head as Cesar frowned at me.

I could hear him mutter a sorry but it wasnt his fault. Hes only 11. I dont expect him to run to me with secrets.

I cried all the way home and snuck into my room so my parents wouldn't see me cry.

Why couldn't he love me? I see more in him than  what other see in him. It was incredibly frustrating that he could do that to somebody who loved him.

The next day i walked over to Oscar's house and all i saw was Nicole and him making out.

He saw me, but he didnt care. He didnt care that what he was doing could break me.

He didnt love me.

*End of flashback*

I felt another tear roll down my cheek as i drank my modelo in sadness.

I was sitting in the garage listening to music to help me get even more hurt.

Thinking about the past made me hate him more.

I couldn't help but get so angry. At myself, at him, at fate.

I love him still and i shouldn't.

Its wrong.

He doesnt deserve my love.

He will never get it.

I still feel so stupid.

I continued to cry as i finished my 3rd bottle. I drank a lot when i was hurt.

Images of Nicole and Oscar together engraved in my head. Causing me to slam the bottle onto the table as i cried.

I was doing so well until he came here. He ruined everything. All he does is ruin me. My heart was damaged beyond repair.

"Ariella." I turned to see Cesar.

He frowned at me as i tried opening my 4th bottle.

"Ariella you are such a lightweight." He shook his head, and i just rolled my eyes.

"Shut up no im not." I cried. Why wont this stupid bottle open?" i was getting agitated.

"You are trying to open the bottle with a wrench." He sighed as he grabbed both items out of my hands.

"I talk to have a need with your brother." I slurred as i got up from the stool.

I grabbed my car keys and headed outside to where my car was. "Ariella you aren't even talking right." he tried pulling me back but i was strong, angry and confused.

"I dont careee! Im going to bitch him out." I stormed off.

"No you are not!" Cesar groaned as he tried to stop me.

"Let go." I whimpered as he grabbed the keys out of my hands.

"You're drunk Ariella. Im not letting you do anything until you sober up." he tried to calm me down.

"Why did he play with me like that?" I cried out loud as Cesar pulled me into a hug. A very much needed hug.


ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now