79- past and present

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Oscar's pov

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Oscar's pov

I think I've fallen for Ariella ten times harder than before.  I sigh as i watch Ariella smile and laugh as she talked to her friends.

She won one of the races earlier tonight and she seemed like she was in such a good mood.

I was too. I loved seeing her happy and healthy.

I mean it was pretty clear that Ariella and I have something going on still. You can just tell from the moment we had last night when we were dancing for fun last night.

We were both laughing and smiling at each other. We were having the best time. Last night was wholesome, yet full of so much sexual tension. Not even just sexual tension but just longing for each other. We were looking at each other the same way we did when we were together.

I felt like as if i was going to get her back. I hope i was.

Ariella's pov

"You like him dont you?" Andy laughed as i sat on the hood of his car.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes as i looked at my shoes.

"She hella likes him." Cesar smirked.

"Cállate!" I laughed. "I cant like him. Its not a good idea. Last time i did this it ended so bad. I dont know if i should do this to myself." I sighed.

"But you cant control your feelings." Cesar sighed.

"I know." I frowned.

"So just go for it. Take things slow so that it wont end like it did last time. But dont let the past scare you from living the present." Andy explained and i nodded.

"Sense when did you guys become motivational speakers?" I teased them.

They just laughed it off before urging me to make a move.

"Fine! I'll go talk to him." I gave in as i finally worked up the courage to walk up to him.

I've noticed him looking at me throughout the night and i just need to do this.

I wanted him. Something was there and for the first time in a long time, i wanted love. I wanted to be loved the way that I loved.

I started walking over to where he was.

"Hey Ariella." Oscar smiled at me.

"Hey." I smiled back at him.

"Can we talk?" Oscar asked me as I looked up at him.

"Uh yeah just hold on one sec." I smiled before walking past him and towards Derek.

"Hey." I said to him as he looked up at me. I watched as a smile formed on his face.

"Hey. I actually really wanted to talk to you." Derek said as he stopped working on his car, shutting the hood.

"What about?" I bit my lip as i leaned on the hood of his car.

"Well I was wondering if you'd want to go on a date?" He asked nervously. "But we dont have to call it a date it can just be a hangout if you aren't interested." He shrugged.

I thought his nervousness was cute. "No." I giggled at him. As his smile dropped. "I'm kidding. Yes i'll go on a date with you." I smiled at him.

"Really?" He grinned at me, his hazel eyes softening on mine.

I tried to keep my composure. "Yes. Pick me up at 7 tomorrow." I said to him before walking back to Cesar and Andy. "Don't be late," i turned back to him.

Derek just stood there with admiration on his face. "I'll be 5 minutes early. I dont wanna fumble my chances with the hottest girl here."

"Guys!" I squealed like a girl.

"What?" Cesar asked with a knowing smirk on his face.

"Derek asked me out on a date." I smiled happily as they just laughed.

I just looked at them so confused as they looked back at each other then back at me.

"Yeah we already knew he was. He told us earlier." Andy laughed.


ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now