29- faint memory

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Ariella's pov

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Ariella's pov

"Oscar watch the movie." I whispered but he ignored what i said and continued to kiss me.

This man had the bright idea to go to the movie theaters but he had no interest in the movie.

"Shhh you are supposed to be quiet during the film mamas." He whispered against my skin, i could feel him smirking. He then pulled me onto his lap and kissed up on my neck.

"Oscar." I bit my lip as he started doing more than just kissing.

"Stop." I whispered. Thats when he stopped what he was doing.

"I cant have any hickies." I glared at him and he nodded his head.

Then i lifted up his head and gave him a big kiss.

He just smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Now if you saw this yourself you would think that maybe we are dating or married. Nope.

None of the above.

I dont know what we are. And im not asking. But if he doesnt make his move soon then i have to stop before i get in too deep. Im already deep.

I got off his lap and we continued to watch the movie.

"Ready?" He asked as i just nodded my head and walked behind him.

Then he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it as we started heading out to the parking lot. I smiled to myself.

"Shit its so late, and you got school tomorrow." He sighed as we got in the car.

"Um Oscar." I mumble as i put my seatbelt on.

"Yes baby?" He asks as he looks at me before starting the car.

Remember when i said i wasnt gonna ask. The majority of the movie all i could think about was us not being official. And it had me thinking, was i being used?

I changed my mind. I needed to know where we stood.

"Are we together?" I asked him, making him just smile slightly.

"Nah we separated." He said in a joking manner which made me roll my eyes.

"Im serious." I whined as he smiled like an idiot.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now