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Oscar's pov

"I have a right to hold my niece! Im her aunt." Natalie started screaming which caused a scene.

"Ew no you're greasy." Terry crinkled his nose as he took Malina from Ariella and walked far away from Natalie.

"Oh now you are her aunt? After a whole fucking year of being absent." I scoff as i drank my beer before it got smacked out of my hand and smashed onto the ground and shattered.

"What the fuck?" I shouted as she had a smirk on her face.

"You gonna clean that up puta?" Martín muttered.

Then i looked to make sure Ariella didnt get hurt by the glass.

She just stared at the glass on the ground.

"Oh no!" Natalie said dramatically. "I wouldnt want Ariella to harm herself again." Natalie laughed. "That would be sad if she had to go to back to the nut house. But maybe ghats where she belongs. So she wont hurt Malina."  She fake pouted as she laughed at Ariella.

My poor baby was trying so hard to stay strong.

"Its called a Psychiatric hospital you dumb bitch!" Sad eyes stood up.

"Get the fuck outta her!" I yell.

"Nobody likes you!" Terry shouted.

"Wait hold up! She wants to joke about self harm? Oh nahh. Back up. I want ALLL THE SMOKE." Nova jumped im out of nowhere.

Oh god.

"Im not fighting you." Natalie gave her a dirty look.

"Well im sure as hell fighting you." Nova got in her face.

"Gonna kiss me lesbo?" Natalie laughed and Nova just punched her right in the nose and tackled her onto the concrete ground.

Ooo shes gonna have back pains.

"You." Nova punched. "Weren't." Punches again. "Invited." She punched her again before Cesar and Andy pulled her off.

"Omar! Escort this puta outta here." I order and he nods as he picks up Natalie and leads her out the backyard and far the fuck away.

I turned to Ariella and there she was sitting in a chair as she held Malina.

Ariella smiled as she was talking to our daughter.

Yes. Our daughter.

That might be fucked up to replace her mom but Ariella is an actual mommy to my daughter so fuck what people say.

"Hi baby." I say in my cute gentle voice as i kissed Ariella's cheek.

"Hi." She said softly.

"Dont listen to what that bitch said. Shes just tryna get to your head." I say as i rub her thigh.

She just nodded as she kisses Malina's head and held her close.

Ariella didnt want to talk and it was evident.

I notice her stare at her wrist where she had cut herself exactly one year ago.

I gently took her hand and placed a kiss on the scar. Now she looked me in the eyes and smiled. "I love you." She said quietly as she pecked my lips.

"I love you too baby." I sigh of relief.

"Look what the guys gave her." Ariella smiled as she showed me multiple different stuffed animals.

"Wow." I laughed.

I was laying in bed watching as Ariella cleaned up our room.

Malina was sleeping in her crib.

"Baby come on its time for bed." I smile as she walked over to the bed.

"Okay." She muttered as she joined me.

"Babyy." I smile as i kiss her.

We were facing each other.

She just smiled.

"I love you." She giggled quietly as she closed her eyes.

I just rubbed her thigh and watched her sleep.

She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Why you watching me sleep? Creepy." She jokes as she laughs to herself. She swears shes funny.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes as i pull her closer. "You are way too far." I whine as now there was no space between us.

"I cant believe its been a year since ive been in the psychiatric ward.." Ariella said as she examined the tattoo on my neck.

"You've come a long way." I smiled as i kissed the top of her head.

"Yeah." She said as she furrowed her brows.

"What you thinking about?" I question as she shakes her head no.

"What if Cesar never came." She muttered quietly. "I will never forget about that." She frowned. "If he never came i probably wouldve done worse and i probably wouldnt be here." She shrugged.

"But that was meant to happen. Cesar was destined to find you and help you. And im so fucking happy he did." I say comforting her as i peck her lips.

She just smiled. "Today when i saw the glass i thought about last year. I thought of how hard things were for me. Then i thought about Malina. I want to make sure she lives the best life and knows im always here for her. So she will never have to feel alone."

"Same goes for you. I dont ever want you to feel like your alone." I pouted.


Fuck a bitch named Natalie.

Im a lil late on the update but ummmmm i fell asleep at 5 pm and woke up at 1 in the morning sooo thats cool idk how i fell asleep

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now