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Ariella's pov

"You a real one." I giggle as Oscar just grinned.

He was massaging my boobs while we laid down and watched rick & morty.

They were kinda hurting so im assuming its my bra.

"Um gross." Terry and Cesar walked inside.

"What? Its not like my boobs are out." I laugh.

"Yeah but they are gonna be soon if we dont walk away." Cesar laughed as they walked out the room.

"They are so weird." I laugh as i get up from the bed.

"Where are you goingggg? Come back." Oscar whined.

"Bebe we have a guest." I motion for him to get up.

"Bruh Terry aint a guest. He lives here." Oscar laughed.

"I dont care come on." I demanded and he just rolled his eyes and followed me to the living room.

"So what are you guys doing?" I smile.

"Nothin much. We bored." Cesar sighed.

"Oh good. Maybe you guys can help me fix my car." I clapped my hands together. "Let me put my shoes on." I laugh as i started dancing like a dork all the way to the room.

Cesar's pov

"Oscar you are dating a full on weirdo." Terry laughed.

"I know." Oscar laughed as he followed Ariella into the room while he danced like a weirdo too.

Terry and I started laughing at them.

"They are so weird but so cute at the same time." Terry smiled.

"I want a relationship like that." I pout as i think about Monse.

We decided to just stay friends which sucks.

Being friends with an ex is just plain fucking stupid.

Your destined to catch those feelings again.

Now she moved on to better.

"Okay lets go guys." Ariella cheered.

"You coming?" I ask Oscar as he shook his head.

"Cant i got some santo shit to deal with." He looked at me as he said it.  Then he pulled Ariella in for a kiss.

Then he gave all his attention to Ariella. "And you better be safe fool. Call me if you need anything." He said as he hugged her all protective and shit.


"Always." She smiled as she kissed his neck right where his santo cross tattoo was. "You better be safe too."

Then Terry walked up to Oscar.

"Oh so you aint gonna hug me?" Terry got offended when Oscar backed away from him, rejecting his hug.

"Boi quit playin and give me a hug." Terry demanded and Oscar just rolled his eyes and hugged Terry.

"You're dumb." I laugh at Terry as we walk out the house.

Cesar's pov still

"Ariella dont cry." I pout as she dropped the wrench on the garage floor.

"I cant fix this shit!" She sniffled.

"Yes you can." Terry tried cheering her up.

"Its impossible." She sighed as she sat down on the stool.

"I should just give up. I've had this car for 4 years and i still cant get it fixed." She frowned.

"Dont give up." I picked up the wrench.

"Yeah dont." Terry agreed.

"Would your dad give up?" I ask her as she shook her head no.

"Then dont give up."

She was silent.

"You're right." Her attitude changed.

We spent all day in this garage trying to fix the car.

Ariella was beating herself up about it all. She had hope that today would be the day she would get it fixed.

Still Cesar's pov heheheh

It was 11 pm and i was ready to crash.

I walked into the house to see Oscar and the guys watching some boxing match.

"Ayy wheres Ariella?" Oscar questioned.

"Still tryna fix the car." I sighed.

"Damn still." He got up. "I better go get her. Cause if i dont she will stay there all night." He sighed as he walked out the house.

"Ayee Cesar! Come watch the fight." Hector cheered as he tried handing me a beer.

"Nah im good homie. Im gonna sleep now." I smiled.

Oscar's pov

"Ariella." I freak out once i notice she wasnt in the garage.

Then i heard sniffling.

She was in the corner of the garage.

"Whats wrong?" I pouted as i hugged her.

"The car won't work." She sighed in defeat.

"Its okay bebe. Just give it a break for right now." I rubbed her back.


Lame chapter. Just wait.

Precious Tez/ Terry

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Precious Tez/ Terry

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now